Aquarius ~ Ancient Wisdom Keepers in the Modern World

Beloved family, we enter Aquarius season and the realms of ancient wisdom, where we remember that we are one aspect of a much bigger picture at play. Aquarius holds the cup big picture vision and pours the prayers of our star family through the highways of the sun and the moon to meet us here now. Light is information, guiding us home, lighting up our hearts, our minds, our wombs to connect with our soul purpose and what we uniquely came here to Earth to contribute to her evolution.

Dark Moon Capricorn ~ Structure Can Fuck Itself In The Face!!!

Dark Moon Capricorn ~ Structure Can Fuck Itself In The Face!!!

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the lord of time and space, master of illusion and revealer of the guru within. Right now you could be having some massive resistance to time, managing time could be your biggest challenge, you could be freaking out that time is running out. Please take a breath and come back to you for a minute! This is Saturn the master of illusion at play, showing up as the devil that plays tricks on us until we remember that we are not limited by karma, time or anything unless we identify with it.

In the tarot, Capricorn is the DEVIL card… Ooooooooo the devil, lucifer, the lord of music and shiny things, hmmmmmmmmm sounds like Saturn with his shiny rings of societal pressure… ‘Get this, buy this, be this, dont be that, do this, not that, over here, click this…. OMG it’s relentless!!!’ Alluring us into beliefs that keep us separated from freedom & our big phat fuck yes to what REALLY makes our soul sing. Only to take us down a path where we realize that the very thing that we believe to be our limitation is our door to freedom. Stay with me, let’s explore this…

In the medicine woman tarot the card for the Devil is the Trickster, Caroline Bridges talks about how the devil spelt backwards is LIVED. When we consider the illusion of time, and the belief that we are bound to a God that judges us if we do the wrong thing here we can see that aint livin!!! (insert bcf ad here)

What does it mean to truly live when we are not being tricked by fear?

Healing The Feminine Wound

Healing The Feminine Wound

As I write these posts I imagine us sitting and having a cup of tea together, chatting about things that Great Spirit is putting on my heart to chat about.  Sharing about whats happening in the cycles of life; astrological weather, relationship cycles, menstrual cycle wisdom, tarot readings,  sacred sexuality and real life subjects that we all struggle with as women.  

I've been feeling a little lost in 'business' land, as in not resonating with being identified as a 'business woman' or a 'priestess' or a 'goddess'. Sometimes the world of 'business and striving to create something' just doesn't feel authentic for me, the rebel in me is like 'who says I have to create an empire to keep up with the joneses to tick the boxes that i'm supposed to tick to prove that i'm a worthy human to walk the earth???  Fuck that!!!!