Aries ~ I am the ruler of my life
On Tuesday 20 March, our glorious Sun moved into Aries, and the we celebrate the equinox, which is the official gateway into the 2018 new solar cycle. At the equinox we reach the time of equal day and equal night, the entire planet is in balance! How awesome is that?! Sacred union right there bebeeeee!!. The sun and moon are equal in their shine, all over the world. I would like to invite us all, this year, to enter into sacred union within by walking in balance, through both our masculine and feminine aspects.
We just spent the month of Pisces connecting with Grandmother wisdom, becoming aware of what our intuition is guiding us towards. As the Sun is now in Aries and we begin a whole new solar year we are being ushered into ACTION! Aries (ruled by fiery Mars) is supporting us energetically to set up the structures that will create a container for our dreams to thrive in the physical reality. The Medicine Woman Tarot Card for this solar month in Aries is the Command Card (Taking command for the good of all).
“I now create the structures, through which, all of my gifts shall be actualized. I am the ruler of my life."
Traditionally the Command Card in Tarot is the Emperor. The emperor plays the role of implementing structure and form to create an empire that is working seamlessly together.
He is expressed as “All Father” giving to his children the structure they need in their lives to empower them to become well adjusted, sovereign beings who are well equipped in the world. A well equipped, intelligent, enthusiastic and conscious leader.
Putting supportive structures in place is how the universe is encouraging us to begin this solar year by allowing conscious leadership & inspired action to be present in our daily regime.
By taking command of your environment, your body, your temper, your instincts, your love life, you are playing the role of All loving Father, The Emperor of our world. We are both sacred feminine and sacred masculine, to manifest the dreams that are in our hearts, we need to walk in sacred union within. The emperor is the empress’s consort, he is the mars to her venus, her lover and compliment, civilization to her nature, imposed order to her creativity. He creates a place that her gifts can be expressed from, a launching pad!!!
Think about what you learnt from the entire solar year last year, right up to the last new moon.
What were your major take aways?
The lessons you learnt and the ones you unlearnt?
Where you need more structure? (What does that structure look like?)
Perhaps you are needing more self discipline with exercise?
Or you know you really need to commit to that marketing strategy?
Or you know that you need to have some kind of routine or schedule in your days even though you love floating around being rad and creative?
Are you ready to lead and direct your life?
What are your natural gifts?
You have been on quite a journey, read many books, acquired knowledge through your experiences (even the painful ones), you have met people who have changed your life, you have studied what your interested in (even if its the colour and texture of a flower). A good emperor/chief/creator knows how to take the many abilities, talents and experiences and turn them into an act of service. Guaranteed, wether you can see it or not, you have something that the world needs, that you can use to bring your dreams into physical form!
Your thoughts and images dictate your reality. You must take command now. It is time to make decisions that benefit your whole being and that of the Earth, your dwelling place. You are the maker of your personal law. Our experiences create an imprint on our consciousness, what ever meaning we attach to our experiences generates a suggestion to the consciousness that is accepted without reservation. This is what it means to create our own law. You define what you see, all day long, without thinking. Realize then, that you have a choice in your definition, in your response to any situation. This is your point of power.
“From the exhaustless riches of limitless substance, I draw all things needed both spiritual and material”
Perhaps you have a big dream in your heart, and it invokes a fear in you. The fear is usually defined by your past experiences in this lifetime or otherwise. When we re write our reality, and we align with the creator/emporer on the throne of our lives, we are choosing to re write the laws that have been defined in our minds. Take stock of your limiting beliefs by past by stepping into the knowledge that there are exhaustless riches and limitless substance to draw from in any given moment. Build your empire upon the laws that you create for yourself from an expanded, infinite universal view point.
We live in a world where we push push push, we have tuned out of what it means to live in flow with life. Basically it means if a door is not open to us often we obsess and enquire and bang on the door, setting up camp outside the door until it opens. This is not in the flow, its in resistance which is contraction not expansion. The doors that are open, are open for a reason, perhaps they lead to the door you want to open opening up? My point is, the emperor in intelligent leadership uses the force to get more of what the empire needs. Take advantage of a flow that is already strongly moving in your life. Do you have a strong current of money, sex, time, energy? One or all of these or maybe a couple. Then ask yourself, how can I use what I have flowing in my life now, to create more of what I am manifesting in my life this year? Work with the flow of live, consider the season you are in (spring or fall), consider location, living situation, the country, planet and the overarching theme that is around you. Use the elements to dive deeper and generation more of the gifts that are flourishing.
No matter what situation you find yourself in, there are always forces at work, powers already in action. Find a way to use them for the greater good, to bring better fortune in your tomorrows. A loss is always a new freedom as well. A gain is a stepping stone. The challenge you are given by a life situation is an opportunity to perfect a skill/quality you will be happy to have later as the Great Plan of the unfolding the universe is put before you. You are a warrior in training. Never complain about an opportunity to hone your skills. Go forward from the fullness of your being, harnessing this amazing Mars energy (the god of war) to punch through the layers of your life and take command. Look for the rainbow when its raining and the sun when its cloudy, all the while keeping it real and being compassionate with yourself.
Look at your deepest needs and desires, in what already happening flow or energy can you place them?
Stop embracing struggle.
Take command.