Aquarius ~ Ancient Wisdom Keepers in the Modern World

Beloved family, we enter Aquarius season and the realms of ancient wisdom, where we remember that we are one aspect of a much bigger picture at play. Aquarius holds the cup holding the big picture vision and pours the prayers of our star family through the highways of the sun and the moon to meet us here now. Light is information, guiding us home, lighting up our hearts, our minds, our wombs to connect with our soul purpose and what we uniquely came here to Earth to contribute to her evolution.

We have had a massive year! Aquarius is the 11th sign in the silver wheel of the astrological year. As we have made our way around the wheel in 2019 and enter 2020, we are invited to celebrate the old patterns and 3D illusions we have shaken loose.

Celebrate the warrior within you who has been courageous and broken your own heart to say yes to something so much more aligned with your soul. Celebrate the things that don’t work anymore, you are closer than ever before to deeply connect to your souls ‘YEESSSSSS’ …

Some people call this purpose, but I just like calling it my souls ‘yes’, its important to not get too caught up in the ego’s need to identify itself and attach to a purpose. Your purpose is to live in alignment with your YESSSSSSSSSS. If its a no, or a maybe, then its a not right now, or a not ever.

So here we are, finding the sweet spot with our yes, the source of our cosmic nourishment where we find that we are aligned with magick and life opens like a flower. Doors begin to open TO us, rather than us smashing them down with a crane from the stone ages. We are in direct union with the sweet spot of wisdom within because we are following our yes, living our purpose and saying no thank you to that which sucks our soul dry/suppressed or oppresses us. And my honey’s this sweet spot is a life that is tapped in, turned on, pleasure-filled and full of freedom. Freedom is an inside job! Goodby abandonment of self to serve another! Goodbye martyrdom, goodbye victim story, Hellooooooooo freedom, you taste so sweet!

A new hope wells within when Aquarius season comes around, we have done so much work and been super courageous to allow the universe to tidy up that which is not supporting our soul’s growth. We have a direct line of communication flowing to the ancestral energy. To our spiritual inheritance. Renewed health and vitality begin to land in our body as a result of the enquiry and reflection we have committed to over the months past. And our source of cosmic nourishment is the receptivity of this beautiful body temple we live in, our open heart and our souls, yes to not allow the shitty aspects of humanness to cock block it’s the fullest expression.

YOU beautiful human, have a unique way of walking this earth. YOU have gifts that only you can share in the way you do. YOU have a unique way of interpreting the information filtering through your mind, heart and womb in the form of light. The way that expresses itself THROUGH you, IS your gift, this IS your purpose. Saying yes to wanting what you want, sharing what you want to share, the way you want to, honey that’s your birthright!!!

Each generation hands the previous generation a gift, each mentor transmits his/her wisdom on to the mentee, we are constantly receiving wisdom all of the time. Are you listening? It is our destiny to follow our yes, to listen and to take the gifts handed to us from our ancestors & carry on from there. Each generation has contributed something of value to continue forthwith. Each generation did the best they could with what they have.

Our beloved sisters, and my beloved mentor Jilly Collings, the forerunners in the feminist movement, oh they fought hard!!!!! And we still have work to do, the feminine wound on the planet in all beings is needing our attention. We are better today because of what the men & women fought for yesterday. We have so much to be grateful for even in a world that right now is being exposed for its injustice (thank you Capricorn!)

So when Aquarius season comes, she breathes her Uranian energy into our hearts and she say’s ‘REMEMBER’. Remember who you are, you are a child of the sun, the moon, the stars and the sky, you are here for a moment to serve Gaia in her ascension process, you are here to protect, honour and listen to your Earth Mother.

We drink from the waters of the earth, in the presence of Aquarius, we drink from the heavens as well. It is time to take your highest vision and bring it into reality. YOU, you have a foot in both worlds. YOU are here for a reason. We dear family are the ones who can raise the consciousness of human beings once again to a level of hope. We do it in our immediate circles. We do it in our everyday decision to not feed drama, but to connect to our Yes and be the change that the world needs. To breath life into death and light into dark places. We keepers of the way of the womb, are the ones who walk in beauty within the created world.

Take a moment to feel the beauty of your bare soul. The you inside of your body that is infinite. The you that is not defined by your image, your titles, your location, your vocation, who you love, who you don’t, what you do, that’s all ego (it has its place but that’s a post for another day probably in Leo season).

Breathe into your body, connect to the light and the life in the breath, breathe in, breathe out. Feel you, your soul, feel nature all around you, feel the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the water, the fire, the earth, the air, the ether.

You are connected to all of life, through your breath, through your yes. All of life is waiting for you to lean in and allow the magick and support available to flow through you… Through your breath, through your yes… And as you continue to say yes, your soul will share, and the wisdom you now receive will be handed to the next generation and life is unfolding as it should.

Here are some questions to ponder/journal

Do you know the struggles of your ancestors? Are they of value to you now? Are they serving you or limiting you?

Do you know the gifts, wisdom and spiritual knowledge of your ancestors? What would it take to receive the gifts in your bloodline from the benevolent ones today

Are you aware of the ancestors of the land you are walking on? Are you communing with the rock tribe, the trees, the animals?

Are you familiar with the spiritual practises and beliefs of the indigenous of your land pre-colonization? Acknowledge the ancestors of your land now, acknowledge there was a tribe who once lived there who know how to take care of that land in a way you may not with your current scope of information.

Are you familiar with the spiritual practices of your blood family tribe? Perhaps you are Celtic like me, or African, or North American, or Australian, or Asian, or many many colours make up the tapestry of beautiful you. So much wisdom, so much waiting to be claimed and remembered. Its time beloveds, to realign.

I love you, my beloved family of many colours xxxx we are one tribe,

I’m Jade, I’m a feminine energy mentor, feather waver and sacred rebel.

I help men & women connect to what they really deeply want so that they can live in alignment with their fuck yes and say no to limitation. My gift is in helping you come home to yourself. To align more with the natural cycles of life and less with stressville. If your yearning to feel enchanted with feminine energy, to access your courage, your voice and your wisdom I can help you! If your done with old boring patterns of sabotage & staying with what’s ‘comfortable’ now is the time to say yes to all that life can be for you.

Click here for a free discovery session (You might think I’m bat shit crazy or I just might be the facilitator of change you have been looking for, lets find out. Zero obligation, let’s just have a cuppa and see if it feels aligned for us to work together)



Pisces ~ Tap into the Oracle Within!!


Dark Moon Capricorn ~ Structure Can Fuck Itself In The Face!!!