Equinox Blessings

Here we are at the equinox, the time of equal day and equal night, where Mother Earth is in the balance with Father Sun.  Lunar and Solar, night and day, are balanced.  The equinox means different things for different people across the world, for some its the beginning of spring and the movement from darkness to light, for some it heralds the harvest of the year past and a time when we are moving into the deep rest of winter.  For some its the jewish new year, for some Mabon, for some Beltain.  But no matter what you believe or practice, for all it is a time of balance.

Equinox is a time for balance, where we honour equal light and dark, the coming of a new cycle and the perfection of the rhythms of mother nature x


In my opinion celebrating the wheel of the year is key to understanding the nature and wisdom of the Feminine, the Great Mother of all.  When we live in accordance with the cycles of nature and walk with respect and presence for her in her cycles, we realign ourselves with the very fabric of life on this beautiful planet.  For many of us we have become disconnected from our feminine way of being which makes the equinox a most welcomed opportunity to come out of the linear mind of working hard all of the time, striving towards our goals and burning ourselves out.  We are being woo'd by the Mother of all creation to come back to balance and truly live our lives from the rhythms that nature intended for us to live.  I invite you dear reader to re align with the cycles of nature, and in doing so come back to balance with yourSelf too.   It doesn't matter if you are masculine or feminine, we are all children of Mother Earth and we all need to come back into alignment with the feminine aspect of Divine through the seasons & truly reconnect with and reclaim our sovereign domain.


Lets take a look for a moment at the wheel of the year and the main celebrations to see how they reflect the Sacred feminine to us:


Winter Solstice:  The seed of the Sun, carrying the consciousness of what we need to birth or create in this coming wheel of the year, is planted in the womb of Mother Earth, to develop within the darkness.  We are resting in the depth of winter, when the day's are shorter than the nights, when we are in the 'womb of mother' replenishing, resting, allowing our deeper darker side to be tended to.  Winter is a time of nourishment and rest, preparation for the year to come.  The solstice marks the shortest day when the sojourn towards the light has begun!  The archetype of the crone, or the wise woman is celebrated during the winter months.  I love working with Hecate who holds the lantern in the darkness and assists us through the shadow lands of the long night (sometimes this is the dark night of the soul).   This also reflects the dark moon turning new, and the time of our bleed.

Spring Equinox:  The first sign of growth appear above the surface of the Earth.  This is celebrated by acknowledging sacred marriage between the masculine (action/consciousness) & feminine (nurturing/nourishment/creation).  This is a time to reflect upon the seeds of consciousness that were planted during the winter months, to plan your inspired actions to nourish these seeds, tend your garden, and plan towards the harvest to come.  The spring reflects the archetype of the maiden/celestial virgin, I love working with Aphrodite who is the Goddess of Love, sensuality and beauty, she is magnetic and deeply feminine.   This is reflected in the waxing moon and the time of our follicular phase when the womb is being flooded with hormones to build the nest in preparation for ovulation.

Summer Solstice:  The celebration of fully grown blooming vegetation occurs, as we acknowledge the ripe fullness of Mother in the Summer months.  This is the time when we recognize and give thanks for the blessings of intentions manifest.  It's a time of engaging in inspired actions that support our dreams and goals as we tend the field with the energies of summer supporting us...  The summer solstice brings us to the point in the year where we recognize that we are preparing for the days to become shorter and eventually cooler when autumn comes, so we make the most of daylight hours and dance with the light of life!  We also know that we are about to descend once again into the womb of Mother Earth when winter comes, this time to transform and let go of all that is no longer needed to die.  The archetype that reflects summer is the Mother/Earth Empress, who is ripe and full and nourishing for her children.  I love working with Demeeter in this phase as she is the Earth empress and the mother of Persephone who spends half of her life in darkness in the underworld (autumn and winter) and half of her life in light (spring and summer) with her mother.  Demeeter holds space for us in our darkness and our light, teaching us how to do this for ourself creating sacred union within.  This time also reflects the time of ovulation & the full moon when we are ripe, magnetic, full of attraction and sweetness, like the fruit that grows in summer.

Autumn Equinox:  Its harvest time!!!! The seeds that were planted in winter have grown, they have been tended, celebrated, enjoyed and now we fully celebrate and surrender to the period of rest that comes with the months to come.  We draw closer to the sexual fires of mother earth in the cauldron of her womb (fiery molten lava).  As we glean the wisdom of the past months and release the stories, the experiences and the left overs from the feasting of summer, as an offering of love we gift back to the cauldron of the great Mother, allowing her to transform the gifts and the pains, so that we can drink the broth of this wisdom during the winter months, letting it warm our hearts & grow our conscious awareness of Self and integrate with life once again.  This is the archetype of the enchantress/maga/medicine woman I love working with White Buffalo Woman in this time as she shows us how to walk prayerfully through life's transitions, giving thanks for the seasons past and gleaning the wisdom that has been gifted to us.  This is also the time of the waxing moon, and our luteal phase when the nest in our womb is releasing the hormones in preparation for the egg to be bled out during menstruation. 


Ways to celebrate the equinox, lighting the fires of the Sacred Woman within x

Ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox:


  • Write a gratitude list for the things that have ocurred in the previous seasons from the winter to now
  • Start a gratitude journal, gratitude for what has been today will create more of that for the days to come!
  • Restore balance in your life, do a fall clean in your home, throw away the things you don't need, create space for more nourishment!!! 
  • Begin something new, write a list of everything you have been wanting to do but have been too busy to do during summer.  From your list choose your top 3 and begin to take actions towards them every day
  • Go for a drive/walk and take in all of the colours of the autumn that reflect the womb of mother in her reds, golds, browns, yellows.  While your there collect as many beautiful representations of autumn that you can to build an alter that represents your harvest.  Leaves, twigs, feathers, flowers, crystals, herbs, candles 
  • Make a pumpkin soup and prepare a harvest feast to celebrate and give thanks to Mother Father creation for the gifts that have been bestown over the past cycles.
  • Do a yoga practice or meditate to create balance in body mind 
  • Reflect on the aspects of the Feminine that Autumn reveals and write down how they manifest in you
  • Create a let go list, build a fire spend the night/day prayerfully tending to your inner fire's of passion and transformation.  When you are ready hold up your list to your guides, give thanks for the lessons therein, call the violet flame of transformation, give thanks for the completion of contracts and burn your list.  As the list burns watch all that no longer serves being transformed in the flames of the fierce and fiery Mother.


Celebrating the Spring equinox, reclaiming the feminine aspects of Divine x

Ways to Celebrate Spring Equinox:


  • Reflect on the journey you went on in your inner landscape during winter, write a list of the seeds that were planted in the soil of your subconscious mind.  Write down 4 main awarenesses that you had that changed the direction of your thinking/life.  Perhaps during winter you had ahaaaaa moments about the direction you do or don't want your life to go? Write them down.  Now is the time to do your visioning to follow through on an inspired action plan that will support you to follow through in the action supported with the energy of spring.
  • Go for walks and observe the new life springing forth around you, take in the new smells and the flower buds, see the new growth as a reflection of you and your life blossoming with new beginnings as the new season flourishes, so are you flourishing.
  • Plant a garden, or new pot plants to reflect the new life springing forth
  • Buy yourself some flowers
  • Create a spring alter
  • Cook up a feast and gather with your favourite people
  • Spring clean your home, yourself and your wardrobe
  • Do a cleanse, start a mostly raw diet or go for a retreat somewhere amazing
  • Spend time in the sun daily (sun smart sun time of course hehee)
  • Buy a new journal to plan your light filled months of action and inspiration.  
  • Plan your summer holiday, book the flight, the hotel, campsite or what ever it is
  • Give yourself permission to dream the dreams that are in your heart and step into your zone of courage!!! 
  • Write your intentions list
  • Ponder on how Spring reflects the feminine, how she speaks to you uniquely and do something creative to express this.  Write a song, poem, paint, draw, decorate your house etc.


As we celebrate and embrace the equinox this year, no matter where you are on the globe, may you also celebrate and reclaim the seasons of your life past and present.  Every experience, every story can become nourishment for the garden of your life to grow.  As we allow the seasons to work their magic in and through us we are growing and glowing towards our unlimited nature.  For wombed ones still in their menses we go through these 4 seasons every month in our bodies, for all other feminine beings we go through these 4 seasons with each phase of the moon.  Each time we move through a phase, and we celebrate, let go, surrender and allow we reclaim all that we are and restore balance to our world.  


We celebrate you in your shadows and your light sacred sister

Where ever you are in the world, what every your doing this equinox, celebrate you.  I love you in your shadows and your light, and as Hecate holds the lantern up in the darkness the collective prayers of many are supporting you in your life... We are one tribe, many reflections, one woman many faces... You are so loved... As we reconnect to the Great Mother and reclaim all that has been fragmented may we fly together!!! 


If you are struggling and need help, I am available for online healing's & readings.  If you are looking to reclaim the parts of your feminine nature and really step into your I AM WOmAN, this is my juju!! I would love to assist you in really living and being in alignment with all that you are.  I'm offering free 15 min consults so we can see if we are a match for the transformation you seek.  Hit me up here


Rock N Roll Family!

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
