The power of intention
Beautiful reader,
I love my devotional time so much, every day is like an adventure as I go about my day living in question and response. This morning I was inspired to pick up Wayne Dyers power of intention. I LOVE his writing and as a lunar rhythmic woman of the moon cycles, I love living through the magic of intention.
First a little context, right now I started bleeding today, which means I am in the phase of wise woman. Every month 3 days before our bleed, and for the days of our bleed, our wise woman takes us on a journey of integration. Right now my wise woman is taking me deep into contemplation and digestion, I am digesting the previous cycle of learnings, growth, opportunity and expansion that has occurred since my last bleed. If you want to find out more about these phases and how to work with them check out our free workshop here
This month the earth empress archetype has been teaching me, urging me to really truly and deeply GET the nature of abundance and provision. Its on autopilot!!! Because we ARE nature! Our dreams and desires are bursting forth effortlessly from the beautiful balance of rest, digest, and inspired action.
The gift that comes from surrender, approaching life and our projects with simplicity & ease, creating more sensuous moments of self care, to nurture and nourish and align with higher frequencies. Creates more receptivity and more creative and inspired action and more time to truly and deeply rest and nourish.. Its a circle, a cycle can you see it?
Back to my devotional time:
I just picked up Wayne Dyer's power of intention with my morning cuppa and this really spoke to me, I wanted to share with you sisters...
He is speaking about the field of intention being in everything, that there is no place that it is not, it is inside ALL life forms.
That intent is BUILT IN
"A tiny acorn that has no apparent power to think or make plans for its future contains intention from the invisible field. If you cut the acorn open, you won't see a giant oak tree but you know its there. An apple blossom in the spring time appears to be a pretty little flower, yet it has intent built into it and will manifest in the summer as an apple. Intention doesn't err. The acorn never turns into a pumpkin, or the apple blossom into an orange. Every aspect of nature, without exception has intention built into it, and as far as we can tell, nothing in nature questions its path of intent. Nature simply progresses in harmony from the field of intention." Wayne Dyer, power of intention.
We are nature, these bodies, they are her. And as Simi so beautifully wrote in her blog about the full moon this week (read here) "
We Are Children Of The Mother Goddess Gaia, We Are Divine Fractals Of Her Womb, The Great Womb, That Can Achieve Great Miracles.
If we are fractals of the womb of nature herself, then our dreams, needs, and desires are like the acorn. They are built into the unified field of intention, birthing itself through us!
So my darling sisters... I would LOVE us to build on this and really deeply dive into gratitude and celebration!!! It's the full moon!! Its time to celebrate our gifts and manifestations...
Every new moon we set intentions, 2 moons ago, we had an intention setting ceremony... Reflect on your intentions...
What have you been gifted with? an you see the shoots starting to peep through the earth where you planted those seeds? Maybe the universe gifted you with something you didn't expect but it became an integral part in the watering of your acorn seed?
Write a list, share it, celebrate it, claim how amazing of an attraction, birthing, earth empress you are, so that it can flow through you and more and more and more can be created! Circles upon circles upon circles of sacred feminine mandala's being weaved through us stepping into and celebrating our greatness!!!
Enjoy wonderful women
See you in the zoom womb for ceremony, workshops, healing and nurturing