Womb healing circle

Sisters I'm so excited to invite you to our August Red Tent Circles....


Recently we have been exploring the 'Magic of Menstruation' in workshop.  Which is just the beginning of diving into the mysteries of the womb and the infinite well of beauty & power that resides in our feminine body temple.  


For our red tent circle on the waning moon in August, we are preparing for the solar eclipse by reclaiming our womb as a place of creativity, as a portal of light and receptivity for what needs to birth on the planet.  Our South american grandmothers have handed down this very simple  "Rite of the Womb" ceremony, that has proven to clear old energies and wounding from the womb..


"My womb is not a place of fear & pain, it is a place of life, love & creation"


As we enter our virtual red tent we have the opportunity to transform and heal, to re connect to ourselves as a portal of life, creation and light.  To take back what has been stolen through pain and shame and to perhaps hear the voice of our womb for the first time or in a whole new way.


The 'Rite Of The Womb' has been handed to us at this potent time in history (herstory) when we so desperately are needing it.  The purpose of this "rite of the womb" is to remember our birth right.  We have the ability to create, to embody joy, power and love... This is who we are!!! We are creativity, embodiment, power and love!!!


The womb is our very own personal cauldron with the ability to transform all energy, no matter what it is, no matter what your story is or has been. Whether we are still bleeding or not, have a womb or not anymore.  If we want to fall pregnant or not.  This rite invites love into the very core of our being, and this invitation is for everyone.  



Over time and countless lifetimes of trauma we have been distracted from this.  


Its time to claim it back.  


In our very sacred container of the red tent, it would be such an honour to go there with you.


Let us release pain and fear from our womb from generations and timelines of abuse and beyond, for all of our relations.   It's time to replace the pain in our wombs with the qualities and possibilities of creation that is our true inheritance ..


The 'witch' wounding that ocurred between 1500 - 1800 has created a massive suppression and wounding in our place of our creativity & receptivity.  It was a gross misperception on behalf of religion.  


Women using herbs as medicine and healing their communities and families through their intuitive wisdom & guidance was deemed 'witchcraft' and has caused massive trauma in woman for being powerful, spiritually guided and intuitive.  Many women have shut down their personal cauldrons, demonized and painted black their womanhood in order to 'fit' in society and survive.   Your womb is your cauldron, it is medicine for life, for our communities, for the earth and most of all for ourselves.  It is time to claim it back!!!! 


This womb space is revered in many cultures, whether its called The tan tien, the Hara,  the emporer/ empress, womb space, spirit, centre of our being,  “gut feeling”, intuition- whatever you want to call it, this the seat of our sacredness.  Of our consciousness.


Our womb is the gateway to life.  Being a spiritual and emotional organ that actually moves with how we feel, it is time to honour her and release anything that needs to be released NOW.


On this potent eclipse month as we anchor our light pillars , it is essential we reclaim our cauldrons, our power, our right to be here, to take up space and OCCUPY OUR WOMBS!  It's time to release all that is not serving us ..  To give ourselves permission to really come into alignment with our Divine essence, and because we are womban, our womb wisdom is intrinsically linked to this transformation...

So, beautiful sisters, find some time to drop more and as much as you can from now until our circle - This  months red tent circle reflection is to tune into your womb  and ask her


Photo from Mystic Mumma  http://www.mysticmamma.com/

Photo from Mystic Mumma  http://www.mysticmamma.com/


What it is she needs to release?

What does she need to let go of?

Are there any old lovers in there?

Mother wound, shame?






Maybe she’s singing and humming to you and just appreciates the attention - its all valid.


We are rebirthing ourselves as we prepare for the total eclipse in leo June 21, as we focus this month to let go of everything that is old, that no longer serves, we invite you to journey deep into your wombanhood and allow her to rebirth, to let go, to truly reclaim all that has been forgotten or stolen & be free so we can sit more comfortably, unapologetically and majestically in our sacred seat at the centre of our being ness. The lioness. The queen that you are.  Find a comfortable place and tune in with one hand on your heart and one hand on your womb and breathe deeply and really drop into this space. Feel the hand on your belly rising as you inhale and with each exhale dropping deeper.. 


We will perform the rite together as we share and pass the talking stick around the circle.  To prepare for our ritual please take a bath with your amazing oils and prayer, engage in any other way you honour and  love yourself through this powerful portal, where we embody love, power and wisdom like never before.


Watch this short video on this rite being performed. Its roots from the mayan grandmothers, they saw it was time for this to be shared with the world, and where possible shared with more sisters. Lets share together and…Pass it on... Invite your friends...


A lot will come up here, so please remember to keep our shares brief so we can all share equally in our sacred 90 minute circle.  Having said that please explore this further in your own time if that feels right. Enjoy watching and receiving this ladies. Check out www.riteofhewomb.com as well if you want to explore this more.

We look forward to sharing and healing together

Jade & Simi xxx 



If you didn't get to the 'Magic of Menstruation' workshop you can Access it here

Click image below




Raise your frequency with the Sun