Gemini ~ Sacred Union Within

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Gemini, commonly known as the twins in astrological realms is known as the 'ecstacy' card in the medicine woman tarot.   


"Lovers Finding their Spirit within, Unite in Ecstacy".


Finding ones Spirit within is key to attracting our big love in life.  Wether that big love be an individual, a career, passion, purpose or service to humanity, unity within is the core ingredient to living a life that is both inspired and passionate and grounded and productive. 


So many of us spend our lives investing time and energy in another person/profession/thing (especially people!).  We pour our devotion, time, patience, money, adoration and make deals with ourselves about their behaviour.  Often thinking 'he/she just need more time, skills, love, to heal, to overcome their addiction, to let go, etc' the list is endless.  OR we spend our time thinking that WE need to change 'I just need to go and get another healing, then it will change my point of attraction. 'I'm just too needy'  'If I could just learn to not blow up when I'm premenstrual we ill be ok'  Sound familiar???


When we are looking to someone or something outside of ourselves for our sense of validation, success, acknowledgement, love, wellbeing we are looking outside of ourselves to find a feeling of completion.  Living in the illusion that the outside world fills the inside void.   


When the sun moves into Gemini, we are being gifted with the opportunity to consciously work with the ways that we are not really showing up for ourselves.  Relationship and self love, are an inside job and this is the gift that Gemini brings.   Woooshing on in through the information rays of our beautiful sun & the element air (Gemini is an air sign) we are gifted with the balancing of opposites.


Duality is the experience of extreme opposites.  Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, Light and Dark, Masculine and Feminine the list goes on and on and on.  Duality becomes a problem when one aspect of reality is at war with the other.  We have the war against evil, the constant struggle between good and bad, right and wrong.  If we are constantly measuring up what is right and what is wrong we are in a state of duality, and of judgement.  We are at war with ourselves and the world around us. 


We are both shadows and light, even if we like to think we are perfect, we are not.  We are perfectly imperfect and the sooner we come to terms with our shadows & our light and embrace both the better off we will be! 


The sun is not at war with the moon, they work harmoniously together.  Positive ions dont judge negative ions as wrong, they generate energy together.  Yin and Yang create a whole.



Gemini, commonly known as the twins in astrological realms is known as the 'ecstacy' card in the medicine woman tarot.     "Lovers Finding their Spirit within, Unite in Ecstacy".

Gemini invites us to bring into the light the ways that we are living in a state of duality. 


We are being ushered into unity. 


Sacred Union Within.




We are 50% Divine Spark Mother, 50% Divine Spark Father.  50% Mum's DNA, 50% Dad's.  Within this body of skin, muscle, organs and bone is also an entire matrix woven & loaded with information to assist you in the discovery of your magic and your dance with yourself as Divine.


No matter what body we were born into, or what we predominantly identify with, we are all both masculine and feminine.  What I'm about to share is about your relationship with the masculine and feminine harmonizing and balancing within you.



The Feminine energy is naturally attuned to Spirit.  The Masculine energy is naturally attuned to the Needs of the World.  The feminine is given form through the masculine principal providing a container for her needs to be met.  The masculine is given inspiration & guidance from the feminine in her flow.  As we balance our inspiration & guidance by attuning to the needs of the world we find equilibrium.



Sacred Union: Learn how to balance the energy within yourself so that you can attract your big love!


Masculine ~ Feminine


Conscious ~ Subsonscious

Solar ~ Lunar

Rational ~ Intuitive

Work ~ Play

Sensitive ~ Sensuous





When the forces within us unite, through daily practise we no longer see the outside world as a force against us/hinderance or something that needs to be changed in order for us to have a sense of unity and peace of mind.  


We have drawn goodness from both aspects of ourselves.  We have gleaned amazing gifts and recourses from the outside world through all of our experiences both good and bad.  The lessons, the love, the play, the trauma overcome, the skills, the parts of ourselves we fought for that have caused us to have epic personal and spiritual growth.  The outside world has drawn goodness from us by providing a mirror of desire, experience, passion, drive, focus, lust, beauty, pain.  The outer and inner worlds have now become your university and you have a plethora of skills to glean from! 


When we can begin to see how the seemingly opposite forces are working together to create one unit, we can begin to create more space in our daily practise of life to bring into balance both.  Self care encompasses both our physical, emotional and spiritual needs.  Our practise is to both work and play, the think and feel, to be and do.   To be our own lover, to turn our finger from pointing at people or situations outside of ourselves and point it back at ourselves is to be a radically self responsible human, this my friends is really empowering!!! At the end of the day, we come in alone, we leave alone and along the way we find union by seeking first the balance within.  The sooner we turn our attention away from what our lover or the world needs to give/do/be in order for us to be happy & just take our life into our own hands we become a self fullfilling, self pleasuring, intergallactic warrior of all things RAD & we are connected to the Divine essence that we are!  All of the answers you need are there inside of you!   


If you don't already have my sacred self care ritual workbook, you can get it here.


Love now encompasses both physical attraction AND craving for the Divine... Here unity with the Divine becomes your fountain of life... The balance & union of our masculine and feminine within = supersconsciousness manifest through the flesh...  Now our actions are intricately linked to purpose and our purpose is unity xxxx 



If you would like to explore this concept further, and bring more balance into your relationships, book in for a reading.  I offer my readings on a pay what you feel basis and am available online.. Heres the link to my calendar  just pop in your time zone and away you go!! 


I also have an awesome online program you might like to check out called 'Sex, Yourself & Your Cycle'.  Its a compilation of all of the tools I've gleaned from years of learning how to not lose myself and burn out in relationships.  These tools have truly helped me to find the love of my life, and my big love in work, life, spirituality and play.  I'd love to share it with you! Check it out here! 


Here's a Sagittarius Full Moon Ritual you can do to reclaim your power and your freedom this full moon

Click the image for instant download 


Cancer ~ Redefining Success & Taking Rest


Taurus ~ I am the mediator between my inner and outer worlds