Taurus, Venus & the Peacemaker!
Taurus is ruled by Venus, which means we are being imbued in all the glory of sensuous delight. Venus inspires embodiment through sensuality, love, beauty & the 6 senses. She guides us towards more pleasure filled ventures, showing us how to make self care our first priority. When venus comes knocking she is inviting us to step into more sovereignty and create our empire with the magnetism of the womb portal.
Venus guides us to enjoy the sensuous pleasures of life, yet not give our power away. She shows us how to have a new point of attraction to attract to ourselves the lovers, the jobs, the care, the friends & the open doors that are aligned with the Goddess within us. We must be listening with radical abandon to allow Venus’s guidance to penetrate our lives, which is the gift we are being offered this month through the PEACEMAKER archetype.
Over the past few months our beloved Sun has been through the signs of Pisces “Grandmothers”, where we took a deep dive with intuition and were shown what is possible when we connect to our infinite self. During Aries “Command”, we have been immersed in the creative fire of Mars to take actions and put in place the supportive structures so that our intuitive ideals and idea’s have a home to birth from. Now, as the sun now moves into Taurus “Peacemaker” we are being supported to bring our highest visions into creation by listening to the guiding voice within.
When we learn how to connect with our inner mediator, we are learning how to walk in alignment with the guidance of our inner voice. Knowing when to speak and when to be silent, when to wait and when to act is an essential ingredient to leading a Spirit lead life. Our words weave open doors in the realms of creation, opening up energetic threads for the conversation to continue in the energy body long after the conversation in person has completed. Allow the peacemaker to be your guardian this month and save your battles for the ones worth fighting, energy is precious!!
When I look back at the most hurtful/unfortunate events in my life, my inner voice was guiding me to stop and take another path. It was me, willfully choosing to not listen, that got me into the situations that lead to the train wrecks I have created in the past. Most of the time it was because I was not walking in sexual sovereignty or personal sovereignty. I had no idea how to be embodied in the midst of anxieties, indecision, desire or the immense sexual drive that has always flowed through my body.
It is such a journey to learn how to walk in self care! My self care practice includes regularly wrapping up my inner maiden, loving her softly with compassion for her wild adventures. She's awesome and rebellious and I love her fiercely! Now vowing to protect her, by aligning with the voice within, as she guides me forward. Because I know, that no matter how much courage it takes to trust her, its sooooooo empowering to find safety in her sweet soft, yet fierce guidance.
Earthy Taurus, brings us assistance to ground in what we have been dreaming into being though inspired actions that make practical what we have been pondering in the mental spiritual realms.
Our highest visions become creation when we work with Taurus and our inner guidance.
Have you ever herd the saying “You are not being rejected you are being redirected”? This is what the peacemaker does for us, s/he redirects us, sometimes through tough love.
At the time it hurts, we want it so badly that we destroy it, attach to it & create stories around it before we observe if it's the best thing for our overall wellbeing. We have the free will to choose, to walk in awareness or just jump in head first! There are no wrong answers, and you will not be punished by a big guy in the sky for jumping in head first. What will happen though, is that you will be redirected at some point to get back on track with your soul path.
I’ve been watching my sisters raising their children, the little ones are convinced that there’s nothing wrong with the sugar, the white rice, the box of sugary breakfast cereal. They are convinced because they don’t know, they don’t know the consequences of what that sugar is going to do to their little brains. So mumma is the mediator archetype here, tough love say’s “crack a tanty and cry my love, but I am making this choice for you because I love you and I’m protecting you.
Stop for a moment and breathe into this question:
How often to we really allow the universe to protect us?
Perhaps you are being redirected right now? Heres an example: He/she isn’t calling, we make up a million stories, think up ways to allure them in, accidentally showing up in the places you know they will be. Throwing ourselves in front of the desired one instead of listening to the protection of silence. Sometimes they are not calling because the universe is protecting us.
This leads us to the next key question:
How beneficial or non beneficial are the support structures you have put in place for Self actualization?
What is Self actualization? The dictionary meaning for actualize is to “make reality of”. To make real what our higher Self is communicating. So what does a support structure look like for the Self then? Great question! I believe it begins with self care practices, embodiment practices, and practices that connect us with our eternal nature like meditation & prayer.
The peacemaker will constantly redirect us until we learn how to walk in the level of self care that creates a lifestyle that our most potent expression can be made real through. It is our choice to engage with what ever we want to engage with. The peacemaker (taurus) asks that we consider the actions/people/places/belief systems/mindsets/frequencies that we rendevouz with, because all of these things create the container from which we will bring our highest vision into reality.
The peacemaker speaks: “I have been called the peacemaker, for I understand every side of every dispute and always bring the polarities into balance. I realize that a suffering person suffers because she has become ready for a new higher level of being. If you listen, I speak the way. I am the book of Changes. I am the Darkness of the Dawn. I am the movement in the Dance of life. Look to me for revelation of all things sacred. These are the Unchanging within the changed. You will hear me call you on to better things. As you pass each chance for change, you will know if you have taken the right step. You will know, for you will feel the presence of the Peacemaker inside yourself. I am with you.”
This month we are being guided to engage in practices that embody our amazing spirit and ground us into the playground of life so that we can be, do and share what we came to this beautiful planet to share.
Start by listening, then take control of your choices by walking in self mastery, put excellent boundaries in place through both word and action. If the potato is burning your hand, drop it! You may watch it burn your hand for a while, until you realize that you can drop it, non of the less its in your hand and its your choice to be burnt or drop it and pick up something that is going to deeply nourish your life. This is self care, this is embodiment.
We are being guided by Venus the “goddess of sensuality” and the peacemaker the “interface between you and the world”. We are being guided by Father Sun in his luminous teachings to rise above our habitual patterns of reactivity. To take a deep dive into the sensuous and the Divine, to reclaim our body as our temple and our own, and to walk in the light of our being. If your feeling a 'hell yes' to this idea I invite you to feel into joining Melissa and I in our "Sex, Yourself and Your Cycle" online immersion beginning June 6th..
In closing, it is one thing to have wonderful idea’s (to see the highest vision), fantasies and dreams. They give us hope and juice to keep doing what we are doing. These are the seeds of your future health and wealth*. You have in your garden a sprouting pot of idea’s, the seed is the the highest vision (pisces), the pot and soil is the structure (aries), now you must nurture this creation by taking command of your life, making your dreams a reality through practical steps. Distribute the harvest of your bounty to where it will do the most good.
Last month we gleaned from our skill set, this month we are distributing our skills where they can make the most difference in the world. This is the peacemaker, guiding us into the heart of service for humanity. The best gift we can offer the world is our true Self to the world. There is a large portion of the world that is waiting for you.
Share your gifts with those who are in your niche, your tribe, present your idea’s in a way that is palatable for those who will get you. There is a lid for every pot my darling, there ARE people out there yearning for what you have to share. Be authentic, be real, be kind, offer from your WHY, your hearts utterance (if you have no idea where to start, you might be interested in my Cycles of Success one on one coaching Program).
Peacemaking is a fine art, its not about moulding ourselves into a container that doesn’t suit us. Its about finding a way to communicate what we are about so that people truly get it. Sometimes the path of peace is silence, sometimes more is spoken in the space between words. Fill your cup with the nectar of life by listening for guidance, let the inner voice of guidance be the water that feeds your earthy garden of health and wealth. Then take the ACTION that is most appropriate and aligned with all of the things that make your heart sing and your inner being feel loved, cherished and nurtured
Online Medicine Woman Tarot Readings // Whats app Jade: +61404 718 587
The doors open for our “Sex, Yourself and Your Cycle”
Online immersion May 9.
Melissa Boord from the Pleasure Studio in Costa Rica & I, have prepared a 6 week immersion into self care & sexual sovereignty practices that will light up your life and reconnect you with the very fabric of the Goddess again.
For millennia (before the patriarchy) women have been walking in the ways of nature, allowing the wisdom of our body to be our guide. We hold tenderly a dream to see these teachings return to all women around the world.
In this course we will take a deep dive into the ways of the red tent, the moon lodge & the temple priestess, we will rediscover the wisdom teachings in the wheel of the year.
Moving through the four stages of the Luna and Menstruation Cycle debunking the ‘inconsistent feminine sexual needs’ mystery.
This immersion takes you through the different archetypes that correlate with each stage of your cycle, setting the scene for emotional and sexual desires to be understood and met.
When we understand and honour the fluxes that our body moves through, we empower ourselves and our partners. With the knowledge we have put together in this course you walk away feeling empowered to have all our needs met and move from disharmony and frustration to absolute celebration of your feminine needs and rhythms & have fun! www.sacredwomencollective.com/temple