Dark Moon Capricorn ~ Structure Can Fuck Itself In The Face!!!
Structure Can Fuck Itself In The Face!!!
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the lord of time and space, master of illusion and revealer of the guru within. Right now you could be having some massive resistance to time, managing time could be your biggest challenge, you could be freaking out that time is running out. Please take a breath and come back to you for a minute! This is Saturn the master of illusion at play, showing up as the devil that plays tricks on us until we remember that we are not limited by karma, time or anything unless we identify with it.
In the tarot, Capricorn is the DEVIL card… Ooooooooo the devil, lucifer, the lord of music and shiny things, hmmmmmmmmm sounds like Saturn with his shiny rings of societal pressure… ‘Get this, buy this, be this, dont be that, do this, not that, over here, click this…. OMG it’s relentless!!!’ Alluring us into beliefs that keep us separated from freedom & our big phat fuck yes to what REALLY makes our soul sing. Only to take us down a path where we realize that the very thing that we believe to be our limitation is our door to freedom. Stay with me, let’s explore this…
In the medicine woman tarot the card for the Devil is the Trickster, Caroline Bridges talks about how the devil spelt backwards is LIVED. When we consider the illusion of time, and the belief that we are bound to a God that judges us if we do the wrong thing here we can see that aint livin!!! (insert bcf ad here)
What does it mean to truly live when we are not being tricked by fear?
To truly live is to do whatever we want to do when there is no monkey on our shoulder saying ‘you should yayayyayayayyaayaaa, cracking a whip and squeezing the life out of your soul’… To live is to remember that life is unfolding on its own, that we cannot manipulate, or manage time, and that what is meant for us will remain in our lives or fall away.
Fear does not exist in the present.
Right now, connect to your breath, focus on the light coming through the screen, or the light in the trees, now on the light in your heart (even if it feels dull). Welcome to the present moment, where fear does not reside without the stories of the mind stealing its peace.
This now moment is so rich in possibility, it is connected to the essence of life itself, this moment is pure magic.
The more that we can commit to just be here and now, the more illusion & fear shatters in the light of awareness.
When the moon is in her dark phase, in Capricorn, she’s at the end of a cycle. Which means a cycle in your life is also completing. The illusions may be running and running and running stories and stories and stories about missing out, or not being enough, or something he or she did or didn’t do and why, or why you are not lovable or why you should or shouldn’t have done this or that, or how your gonna make the money to buy the land to fuck off out of this society that makes less sense today than ever before.
Heres the thing…. It’s all happening, cycle after cycle after cycle…. YOU are the change that needs to happen within it. The only way to fuck structures that don’t serve in the face is to break the illusion by being present and here now.
Now go and pat your cat. Kidding! I’m an advocate of pussy patting tho, do that!
Heres a cool story about the devil: A dude passed away and he was on his way up to the pearly gates, he came across the devil who had innocent people in chains. He started going off at the Devil ‘how dare you? these ppl are nearly at the gates of heaven!’ yadaaayadaaaydaddaaaaa. The Devil stirred him up for a while and got old mate really fired up. Then he laughed and said, “look again mate”. Old mate looks at the chains on the innocent and realized that the chains were not locked, they were free. At any given moment in time, they could have taken those chains off and just walked up the steps to the pearly gates.
Often that which binds us is the way we perceive information through the filter of the mind and our belief systems. Yet we are only bound by that which we are identified with as true. What would it take to free ourselves???
On the dark moon we are called to free ourselves of structure & to rest. To actually stop. To let go of structure and the contraction of needing to do do do, survive survive survive. No magickal weavings, no intention settings, no letting go ceremonies, no striving. Just stop. Be present. Feel the lull of the tide before the new cycle begins and reflect on the lessons learnt. Perhaps you learnt something new this month. Perhaps the very thing that you thought was binding you is your doorway to freedom????
If you're struggling right now and need assistance book in for a soul support session or a feminine energy mentoring session. You don’t need to do it alone, I would love to help you to create some more space in your world and let go of some of those limitations and structures that may be fucking you in the face!
I’m Jade, I’m a feminine energy mentor, feather waver and sacred rebel.
I help men & women connect to what they really deeply want so that they can live in alignment with their fuck yes and say no to limitation. My gift is in helping you come home to yourself. To align more with the natural cycles of life and less with stressville. If your yearning to feel enchanted with feminine energy, to access your courage, your voice and your wisdom I can help you! If your done with old boring patterns of sabotage & staying with what’s ‘comfortable’ now is the time to say yes to all that life can be for you.
Click here for a free discovery session (You might think I’m bat shit crazy or I just might be the facilitator of change you have been looking for, lets find out. Zero obligation, let’s just have a cuppa and see if it feels aligned for us to work together)