Jade Mason Jade Mason

Facing our Shadows & Redefining Relationships

When Venus is transiting through the constellation of Scorpio her expression is intense and intimate. Go deep or go home is her motto!! This is the time in venus’s 18-month journey through the cosmos that we claim our sexual sovereignty, sensuality, our depth, our shadows, our inherited beliefs around relationships, where we look at the things that you would prefer to hide from the public eye, from our beloved or potential partners. Karmic and ancestral relationship patterning comes to the light of our awareness so we can uplevel & love the shit out of ourselves and others on a whole new level!

Shadow work is key with Venus in scorp. Emotional Intelligence is feeling the feelings that come up, without deeming them as right or wrong, good or bad. They are just energy in motion, a response to a perception or an external influence. This is where we step into psychic sovereignty on a whole new level. Where we are the ones driving the ship, rather than being washed around by external influences. The only thing we can truly control is our response to external influences and our perception therein.

During Venus in Scorpio season, we will naturally begin to notice our obsessive tendencies, our escapisms, our fears and our control behavior. She gives us the fire of mars to just be gutsy AF about being all that we are and owning our imperfections. We are spiritual beings having a human experience after all… We didn’t come here to ascend human conditioning, we came to master it, to own it, to find the kink in the darker aspects of consciousness, to play, to have fun, and to wholeheartedly intimate with life itself. Emotional maturity is being in mastery, not in denial of one’s feelings.

When Venus is in the constellation of Scorpio her expression is intense and intimate.  Go deep or go home is her motto!! When she is transiting the constellation of Scorp we are invited to claim our sexual sovereignty, sensuality, our depth, our shadows, our inherited beliefs around relationships, the occult, sex, magick, alchemy, transformation & death. Part of this process is seeing the things we would prefer to hide from the public eye, from our beloved or potential partners & from ourselves… Insert lots of ‘fuckkkkk I just said/did/thought that’ moments!  Karmic and ancestral relationship patterning is coming to the light so we can level up & love the shit out of ourselves and others on a whole new level! Shadows and light baby, no ones perfect, its time to love the whole picture, not just the pretty bits.

Shadow work is key with Venus in Scorp.  By feeling the feelings as they come up, without deeming them as right or wrong, good or bad. They are just energy in motion, a response to a perception or an external influence. This is what this post is allll about, perception, external influences, preconditioning & freedom through awareness. Venus in Scorpio season is where we step into psychic sovereignty on a whole new level. We learn to drive the ship through the storms, rather than being washed around by the waves of external influences. The only thing we can truly control is our response to external influences and our perception therein.

During Venus in Scorpio season, we will naturally begin to notice our obsessive tendencies, our escapisms, our fears and our control behavior. She gives us the fire of mars to just be gutsy AF about being all that we are and owning our imperfections. Paired with the transformation & death that Pluto brings to alchemise IN the underworld of ourselves.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience after all… We didn’t come here to ascend human conditioning, we came to master it, to own it, to find the kink in the darker aspects of consciousness, to play, to have fun, and to wholeheartedly intimate with life itself. Emotional maturity is being in mastery, not in denial of one’s feelings. We can be committed to our super humanness while simultaneously loving the shit out of our shadows. Thats the whole point. Our shadows are not to be treated as a problem to solve. How much can you love what you perceive to be unlovable? Venus is sitting with Pluto in the underworld, Hades himself saying “how much will you choose to love this girlfriend?’

Grab your journal & let’s have a look at what is hidden under the surface::

journal prompts for freedom of sexual expression and autonomy

Tap into your hidden pleasure and your sexual soverereignty

What are your guilty pleasures?

What are you secretly yearning for but are too afraid to admit out loud?  

Our perceptions about sex and intimacy are being re-evaluated.  We are being asked to look at the narrative beneath the voice of the good girl/boy/person, the logical mind, and the mental gibberish.  Take a moment to free write, no filter!

What do you really desire in relationship?  Journal prompts to tap into your truth

What is hidden beneath ‘social correctness’ when it comes to sex, love, and intimacy?  What do YOU believe about sex, love, and intimacy?

If you were not worried about hurting/offending/upsetting/disappointing another person’s feeling what would you choose? What do you really want?

Scorpio shows us our patterning.  We have all been taught ways of relating in relationships that are co-dependent/avoidant and unhealthy. Many family units consist of one person/caregiver who is completely selfless and another whose needs and moods are the central focus of the whole family. There is power in identifying where we may be repeating old patterns or default patterns of reactivity.

Perhaps you have a learned behavior of cutting and running as soon as you slightly catch a whiff of rejection? Perhaps you know you’re settling for abusive toxic behavior but you’re frozen with the fear of abandonment?  OR, more commonly, social ideals that equate being in a relationship with success are really glitching you out and creating comparison paralysis.

What is comparison paralysis?  It’s when we compare ourselves to the lives of other people and hate on ourselves, retreat, go into creative contraction and stop doing the thing we love based on the narrative we are telling ourselves about other people’s lives.  My friends, no one’s lives look like they do on socials.  Guarantee’s the couple at the park with the Colgate smile and the chunky sexy ute/truck are going through their own version of shit soup. The truth is we don’t know that what our brains are telling us about their lives is true (that’s our perception). And there’s a good chance that they are either working through it or indulging in 500 ways to shove down the guilty pleasures they dare not speak about. Too shit scared to bring it to light coz it doesn’t fit the poster image of what we are supposed to want, desire, look like and feel like when we are big kids.

The habit of measuring our sense of self, based on external images that look like success, is a self-destructive pattern that is calling your attention. The ripple effect is to then shut down and go into contraction professionally, creatively, and sexually because our lives don’t look like other people!!! We are really just robbing ourselves and our relationships of their unique and true gifts.   All of this is based on societal/familial conditioning:: AKA someone else’s plan for you.  

It doesn’t have to be a real thing, that’s what I”m here for to help you pop some of those pockets of consciousness that keep you choosing people who dull your shine, or choosing the daily ‘hate on self scroll’.   Ready for your upgrade bebeee? Keep reading …

My friend you are unique, you have a unique set of digits in your dna, your consciousness, your astrology, your genetic blueprint.  No one can tell you what your desires SHOULD be, this is where venus in Scorpio comes in to assist us on our evolutionary journey.  She comes to illuminate what’s hidden and bring it to light.  So let’s get kinky about it, explore some edges of our consciousness, and find the tools to do that in the bedroom with our beloved, or in the bedroom with ourselves.  

How is your sexual self-care practice?  Even if you are partnered a daily sexual self-care practice is so important. It doesn’t mean orgasming every day, it means including your lady landscape and your sexual empowerment in your daily rituals. You are responsible for being turned on, no one else (that’s a whole other workshop).  Are you owning your pleasure and stirring the cauldron of arousal in the secret place where it’s just you and consciousness itself? Are you having a romance with your own sexuality when no one else is around?

I know, lots of thought-provoking questions right?  That’s Venus in Scorpio, she loves to upset the apple cart.  She comes to challenge Eve to eat the whole goddam apple in the garden of Eden. To eat from the tree of knowledge so we can navigate our way out of this slumber of fuckwittery we have found ourselves in.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for Eve, at least she had the guts to take a bite out of the apple! She knew (cos she’s intuitive AF, she’s a woman) that she needed that knowledge, her womb was pulsing with creation itself guiding her towards her unlimited self.

Above below within, Eve could feel the call to remember,  through the pulse of her pussy and her pleasure, to rebirth through her womb. She wasn’t weak, she was a sacred rebel!

Eve knew that the tree of life is where it’s at, the knowledge of the entire universe, the key to her freedom & the freedom of the children of earth too!!! Her intuition and her sexual power allured her,  not her sin.  

Did you know that the word sin means ‘separation from God’?  Is it true that we can be separated from God? Or separated from Goddess?     Beautiful Eve took a bite of the apple and the sons and daughters of earth had the chance to no longer live in sin (separation) because they had the knowledge to reactive their infinite sovereignty and potential. If it wasn’t for Lilith (the first mother depicted as the snake in the garden) we would all be asleep to the knowledge separation from Creator is a man-made idea, created to disempower and control the masses!!! Rely on a god outside of yourself and do everything you can to get browny points or you will live in eternal separation???!!! Ummm really? Was it the serpent that deceived her, I’m pretty sure she saved her… And this is where the Daughters and Sons of Lilith rise and claim the gifts of our foremothers. 

The truth is that it is not possible to be separate from consciousness (god/dess) unless we are preoccupied with our mind and ruled by our emotions. When rules and fear and dominion have more of a say on our lives than our ability to walk in self-mastery then we are living in a state of separation from source energy, source energy has not separated from us, it’s not possible. When we are in fear and contraction in our relationships, we literally forget that we are all aspects of the god/dess consciousness. The only thing that is creating separation between us/goddess/or the other, is the thought stream and the beliefs that bind us from the Great Love of the Universe.  

So here we are Venus in Scorpio, through the womb and the power of the pussy, alchemizing all that no longer serves, taking back our sovereignty giving him back his/story and collectively rewriting our new story.  

The matrix is falling.  The patriarchy’s time is up.  The sons and daughters of Lilith are standing tall like a tree, waking up inside of this co-dependant matrix woven through the mind of Julius Cesar and the men & women who served him. They created empires, and now the empire is falling.  And so are the relationships that live in a state of fear, you against me, us against them. We are one, we are in this together whether we like it or not. And Lady Venus in Scorpio is revealing the shit show right now. Inviting us to walk in union with Divine Love, having compassion, and giving ourselves permission to unravel toxic relationship patterns that are not aligned with unity consciousness.

Venus Evening Star Activation : Venus in scorpio

:: Venus In the Underworld ::

23rd of October Venus enters Scorp

She sits with Hades in the underworld of herself, making conscious the unconscious patterns and doing the shadow work. <<::Preparing for rebirth through the path of surrender::>> This is the ‘death phase’ of the birth, life, death and rebirth cycle.

Venus begins her Evening Star phase:: Wise Grandmother Goddess Self

December 01 2022 to August 18th 2023

More on Venus’s Evening Star Journey in my next post. Until then, if you need support or wish to know how Venus in Scorpio is affecting you personally, book a sovereignty session here

Flower of life for website.png

I’m here to support you to thrive as we priestess the new paradigm into being. Sovereignty sessions assist in breaking co-dependant & toxic relationship patterns. Amazing, healthy relationships are our birthright, its my job to help you shift your internal matrix so you can stand strong in the world and be wholeheartedly YOU in your relationships.

Everything I teach has been handed to me through mentors in verbal traditions and channeled from my ancestors as they have visited me. I have over 26 years of experience as a channel & healer, 500 hrs yoga teacher training, red tent facilitation, Tarot, Relationship Mentoring, the creatress of the dream weavers astrology calendar, and the sovereign woman temple journey.  Book a session with me here to find out if we are a fit to work together, I have 2 openings for temple mentorship in November xx

So much love xx 

Jadee Boom Stix

Rite of passage & co dependancy relationship course

The sovereign woman temple is a deep dive into the ancient feminine arts, earth-based spirituality practices, womb alchemy, the study of the celestial bodies, consciousness upgrades, sexual sovereignty, and co-dependency unravel.  As well as many other wonderful and magical witchy things xx

Be the first to be notified when the temple doors open

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Jade Mason Jade Mason

Sexy Structures That Support Us To Thrive

Unplug from the matrix and Thrive in 2022.  Fem business for boss babes and soulpreneurs with purpose

New year blessings to your and yours glorious Queen!!!

I hope this post find you well after the festive season & your heart is lifted in hope for a year filled with magic & soul nourishment.

The numerology of 2022 offers us a giant UPLEVELL in the realms of relationships. 2/2/22 marks the portal point of the Divine Mothers’ return. After a looooonnnngggg age of HER having a back seat in social structures, this is the year that she takes her seat on her proverbial throne right next to her beloved. That's right ladies, it’s our time to shine!!!!!!!!

Relationships are the valcro of community & the mothers love is the fire that burns right at the centre of all things, there is no birth without her. So as we go through this giant societal rebirth, we gather together around the sacred woman fire and we birth a new world into being in a way that is inclusive of the sacred feminine. With balanced masculine and feminine this time.

The predominant association with MOTHER is often selflessness, sacrifice, she who puts herself last, the martyr who lays down her all and to goes without in order to be of service to her children, her family, her church, her passion projects etc. But that is just one reflection of the Mothers Love. THE MOTHER ARCHETYPE IS SEXY AS FUCK!!!! Which means she doesn’t need to go without in order to create a thriving community and family anymore.

SHE is a powerhouse, there is zero creation without her, she is the entire cycle of life, she is empowered in this knowing. When she knows her power and her value in the community, she takes her seat in the center of the universe & as a result EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING around her thrives.

So what are these sexy structures I am talking about?

Feminine aligned structures, the spiral of life itself expressing itself through our hearts, our wombs, our pussy's pulse for more, our fire, our water, our air of inspiration to take action on the ideas that create new realities.

First, we must unplug from this current matrix! Realigning ourselves with systems and structures that are sustainable for feminine-bodied humans.

The matrix (system) that is currently falling is a social system that leads to nervous system burnout, relationship stress, isolation & mental pressure. It is fed by the fear of survival & a long list of expectations that need to be fulfilled in order to be successful and earn our golden egg.

This year I invite you to tap into a whole new web, to tap into Source Code of Divine Mother for your provision. To the matrix of the womb of creation and into your unique feminine rhythms, to the true power of attractiveness from knowing, owning & anchoring into your value as an individual and as woman.

A truth that is available in this universe, if you wish to claim it for yourself is this: we can have what we want, and we can create a life of magic for ourselves in a whole new way. Without the burnout, the type A over achieving, and without the need to keep up with the Jones's. Fuck that mate, nobody got time for that anymore….

The Goddess is Home my Witchezzzzzz all we gotta do is align with her!!!!

You have a unique thread in your hand, Divine Woman your gifts, visions, dreams & ideas are meant to be birthed so together we can create a new & sustainable future for our children and their children’s children.

To support you to take the next step Karla Pizzica and I created a FREE WORKSHOP AND SISTERHOOD CIRCLE!!!

We recorded it, and here it is to power up your 2022!!! In this workshop & circle we dive into 'feminine aligned business' & share our experiences 'unplugging from the matrix'. We both have over 10 years of experience being self-employed as well as mentoring women to thrive in business and relationships. You will hear on the spot laser coaching for our sisters in the sister mind sessions (Karla’s beautiful offering in the Sacred Strategy Studio)'. Karla and I are both passionate about supporting you to thrive, with sexy structures, that support your life/work/love balance.

Karla is my dear dear friend and biz mentor, she helps women to create the brand that truly represents them, to tap into their message... You gotta check out the websites and branding she creates, holy wowzers, talk about styllllleeeeee... I’m so excited to introduce her to you! She has offered a very generous bonus, so listen to the end to hear about that! And click on the podcast details to access bonus’s from both of us.

Heres the podcast lovers!!!


IG:: @karlapizzica

FB GROUP:: @sacredwomensbusiness

W:: www.karlapizzica.com



This will help you create a fully aligned & embodied brand & get super clear on who you are, why you do what you do, who you would like to call in and your visual branding.

It's normally $149 (and will increase to $497 next year with even more magickal content) - but I'm offering it to you for only $75 AUD until Christmas Day (after that you'll be eligible for a discount on the new and improved version).

Here's the link:


** Sovereignty Sessions With Jade:: 50% off Coupon Code

Sovereignty sessions provide a space for you to unravel, tap in and realign to your center.

Womb alchemy, channeled guidance, light body activation, astrology, tarot & a recording of your session for future reference in the sacred women mystery school. Create more self-agency in your world, step into your purpose & tap into the gifts your soul is wanting to bring in/own so that you can unplug from the matrix and step up as the powerhouse you truly are... Allow for 90-180 mins in your calendar



We believe that the transmissions from this replay have a powerful ripple effect.

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Jade Mason Jade Mason

Real Humans Fuck Up! What then?

We each have a unique thread in our hands. We are each weaving into the new social system that is birthing underneath the noise, and your message, your gifts your dreams, visions, and your contribution are ESSENTIAL right now. In whatever form that takes. For some it is prayer warrioring, for some, it’s front-line work, for some it’s shouting from the rooftops, for some it’s being on stage singing up a storm. One thing I know, we witches are being called!! We are chosen and we chose to be here with this skill set, for this moment in time right now

Hi Beautiful,

Jadee beaming into your inbox after a much-needed sacred pause. I needed to step back from sharing in my biz and on social media for a bit to reorientate and find my inner compass. There is so much information spinning around the collective right now and I really needed to feel anchored into my unique GPS points of reference before stepping back in with a renewed vision so I can be of service in the most authentic way I can.

I am grateful to say, I’m back and I’m fucking ready for this next wave of collective evolution!!! Sacred Rebel are you with me?

So, what’s this got to do with today’s post? Everything!

I froze in the fear of fucking up.

I was afraid to say the wrong thing, to share untruth, to be hung on the proverbial cross for speaking out (again). I was afraid I would contribute to the divide that is already so heartbreaking to witness unfold. To lose those who I love because of differences of opinion. I was afraid to lose the life I once knew, the society I once knew & I was holding on to.

I needed to grieve, get angry, cry, stay in bed and numb out and get my head around the comfortability of things.

The truth is, fucking up is inevitable! In today’s age of information, how do we know what truth really is? History (his story) is written by the hands of humans and I often wonder which details have been left out. Right now, we are all going through massive nervous system shock as we begin to witness the details that have been left out coming forth and being exposed. And in all honesty, as I witness ‘what has been hidden’ becoming visible, I’ve had some pretty solid moments of doubting my purpose and my role in life in general. I’m a sovereignty advocate and I’m not feeling very sovereign right now, I’m a relationship mentor and I am frozen in fear of losing my loved ones. People are dying and talking about periods and sex? Farrrrrrkkkk!!!!

So I called my beloved friend and mentor Karla Pizzica and we went deep, we cried and leant into each other for support around the question “how do I share my message when there are much bigger problems in the world? It feels so menial in the big scheme of things”.

Obviously, that was a banging conversation full of potency coz it zoomed me into a place of this reframe

“how can I rest peacefully if I do NOT SHARE my message right now?”

The thing is beautiful, we each have a unique thread in our hands. We are each weaving into the new social system that is birthing underneath the noise, and your message, your gifts your dreams, visions, and your contribution are ESSENTIAL right now. In whatever form that takes. For some it is prayer warrioring, for some, it’s front-line work, for some it’s shouting from the rooftops, for some it’s being on stage singing up a storm. One thing I know, we witches are being called!! We are chosen and we chose to be here with this skill set, for this moment in time right now.

So Karla and I want to hold space for you too beautiful. If you are frozen wondering how to step forward in your business, starting, evolving, realigning, re-anchoring, this sisterhood call is for you! Let’s shift some of this cellular fear out of our system, unplug from the matrix and tap into the grid of the badass babes on fire to recreate our social structure from the inside out! Join us here

How do we anchor into our deepest knowing and stand like a wise old tree as the storms rage around us? How do we share our message in a way that is supportive of the new energies being woven on the planet? How do we lead with a softness that is strong as fuck?

Courage is not the absence of fear, but fear walking forward … Susan David

Let’s do this! We are weaving a new earth dream, and we need you to take your seat beside us in strength, softness, and weave magic like never before. Freedom is our birthright and the same energy that creates life in the womb is fucking powerful breathing through us.

Will we fuck up? ABSOLUTELY!

Will we have each other’s back? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY

Will we rise? TRY AND STOP ME

Will we create ways where there seems to be no way? WE ALWAYS HAVE

Pussy power to us! Seriously!

Tell your friends.

Big love xxxx Jadee

Click the image below to join us!

If your needing a more one on one supportive approach click heres the link to book a sovereignty session with me, lets get you tapped in to your now reference points beautiful!

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