Facing our Shadows & Redefining Relationships

Facing our Shadows & Redefining Relationships

When Venus is transiting through the constellation of Scorpio her expression is intense and intimate. Go deep or go home is her motto!! This is the time in venus’s 18-month journey through the cosmos that we claim our sexual sovereignty, sensuality, our depth, our shadows, our inherited beliefs around relationships, where we look at the things that you would prefer to hide from the public eye, from our beloved or potential partners. Karmic and ancestral relationship patterning comes to the light of our awareness so we can uplevel & love the shit out of ourselves and others on a whole new level!

Shadow work is key with Venus in scorp. Emotional Intelligence is feeling the feelings that come up, without deeming them as right or wrong, good or bad. They are just energy in motion, a response to a perception or an external influence. This is where we step into psychic sovereignty on a whole new level. Where we are the ones driving the ship, rather than being washed around by external influences. The only thing we can truly control is our response to external influences and our perception therein.

During Venus in Scorpio season, we will naturally begin to notice our obsessive tendencies, our escapisms, our fears and our control behavior. She gives us the fire of mars to just be gutsy AF about being all that we are and owning our imperfections. We are spiritual beings having a human experience after all… We didn’t come here to ascend human conditioning, we came to master it, to own it, to find the kink in the darker aspects of consciousness, to play, to have fun, and to wholeheartedly intimate with life itself. Emotional maturity is being in mastery, not in denial of one’s feelings.

Sexy Structures That Support Us To Thrive

Unplug from the matrix and Thrive in 2022.  Fem business for boss babes and soulpreneurs with purpose

New year blessings to your and yours glorious Queen!!!

I hope this post find you well after the festive season & your heart is lifted in hope for a year filled with magic & soul nourishment.

The numerology of 2022 offers us a giant UPLEVELL in the realms of relationships. 2/2/22 marks the portal point of the Divine Mothers’ return. After a looooonnnngggg age of HER having a back seat in social structures, this is the year that she takes her seat on her proverbial throne right next to her beloved. That's right ladies, it’s our time to shine!!!!!!!!

Relationships are the valcro of community & the mothers love is the fire that burns right at the centre of all things, there is no birth without her. So as we go through this giant societal rebirth, we gather together around the sacred woman fire and we birth a new world into being in a way that is inclusive of the sacred feminine. With balanced masculine and feminine this time.

The predominant association with MOTHER is often selflessness, sacrifice, she who puts herself last, the martyr who lays down her all and to goes without in order to be of service to her children, her family, her church, her passion projects etc. But that is just one reflection of the Mothers Love. THE MOTHER ARCHETYPE IS SEXY AS FUCK!!!! Which means she doesn’t need to go without in order to create a thriving community and family anymore.

SHE is a powerhouse, there is zero creation without her, she is the entire cycle of life, she is empowered in this knowing. When she knows her power and her value in the community, she takes her seat in the center of the universe & as a result EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING around her thrives.

So what are these sexy structures I am talking about?

Feminine aligned structures, the spiral of life itself expressing itself through our hearts, our wombs, our pussy's pulse for more, our fire, our water, our air of inspiration to take action on the ideas that create new realities.

First, we must unplug from this current matrix! Realigning ourselves with systems and structures that are sustainable for feminine-bodied humans.

The matrix (system) that is currently falling is a social system that leads to nervous system burnout, relationship stress, isolation & mental pressure. It is fed by the fear of survival & a long list of expectations that need to be fulfilled in order to be successful and earn our golden egg.

This year I invite you to tap into a whole new web, to tap into Source Code of Divine Mother for your provision. To the matrix of the womb of creation and into your unique feminine rhythms, to the true power of attractiveness from knowing, owning & anchoring into your value as an individual and as woman.

A truth that is available in this universe, if you wish to claim it for yourself is this: we can have what we want, and we can create a life of magic for ourselves in a whole new way. Without the burnout, the type A over achieving, and without the need to keep up with the Jones's. Fuck that mate, nobody got time for that anymore….

The Goddess is Home my Witchezzzzzz all we gotta do is align with her!!!!

You have a unique thread in your hand, Divine Woman your gifts, visions, dreams & ideas are meant to be birthed so together we can create a new & sustainable future for our children and their children’s children.

To support you to take the next step Karla Pizzica and I created a FREE WORKSHOP AND SISTERHOOD CIRCLE!!!

We recorded it, and here it is to power up your 2022!!! In this workshop & circle we dive into 'feminine aligned business' & share our experiences 'unplugging from the matrix'. We both have over 10 years of experience being self-employed as well as mentoring women to thrive in business and relationships. You will hear on the spot laser coaching for our sisters in the sister mind sessions (Karla’s beautiful offering in the Sacred Strategy Studio)'. Karla and I are both passionate about supporting you to thrive, with sexy structures, that support your life/work/love balance.

Karla is my dear dear friend and biz mentor, she helps women to create the brand that truly represents them, to tap into their message... You gotta check out the websites and branding she creates, holy wowzers, talk about styllllleeeeee... I’m so excited to introduce her to you! She has offered a very generous bonus, so listen to the end to hear about that! And click on the podcast details to access bonus’s from both of us.

Heres the podcast lovers!!!


IG:: @karlapizzica

FB GROUP:: @sacredwomensbusiness

W:: www.karlapizzica.com



This will help you create a fully aligned & embodied brand & get super clear on who you are, why you do what you do, who you would like to call in and your visual branding.

It's normally $149 (and will increase to $497 next year with even more magickal content) - but I'm offering it to you for only $75 AUD until Christmas Day (after that you'll be eligible for a discount on the new and improved version).

Here's the link:


** Sovereignty Sessions With Jade:: 50% off Coupon Code

Sovereignty sessions provide a space for you to unravel, tap in and realign to your center.

Womb alchemy, channeled guidance, light body activation, astrology, tarot & a recording of your session for future reference in the sacred women mystery school. Create more self-agency in your world, step into your purpose & tap into the gifts your soul is wanting to bring in/own so that you can unplug from the matrix and step up as the powerhouse you truly are... Allow for 90-180 mins in your calendar



We believe that the transmissions from this replay have a powerful ripple effect.

Real Humans Fuck Up! What then?

Real Humans Fuck Up!  What then?

We each have a unique thread in our hands. We are each weaving into the new social system that is birthing underneath the noise, and your message, your gifts your dreams, visions, and your contribution are ESSENTIAL right now. In whatever form that takes. For some it is prayer warrioring, for some, it’s front-line work, for some it’s shouting from the rooftops, for some it’s being on stage singing up a storm. One thing I know, we witches are being called!! We are chosen and we chose to be here with this skill set, for this moment in time right now