Equinox Reflections ~ Reflections from Inanna and
When the Goddess is stripped of her Queenliness & taken into the darker places of her psyche… Stories & Reflections from the Goddess Inanna and her decent into the underworld for both the Spring Equinox (Beltain) & the Autumn Equinox (Samhain) xx
Northern Kings and Queens!!!
Here we are in the window of the Equinox, equal day and equal night, the descent into shorter days and shorter nights. Preparing for the winter & the reflections is brings, the gifts we glean in the womb of winters dreaming is such a big part of the feminine journey. Often it’s not a pretty process, our internal metaphorical winters are often brutal with the intent of stipping us of habits, people, beliefs that do not serve our higher life path and growth.
brings Mabon, the 2nd harvest celebration!!! Tonight is the time when we gather to celebrate what we have created, both on a personal level and a physical level. We give thanks to the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the sky for the bounty and the gifts that have been offered in this solar cycle.
Perhaps you have come out of the eclipse season absolutely reborn? Give thanks for that! Perhaps you have grown the best herb garden you have ever grown? Or ended a relationship that wasn't serving you? Or had the courage to start that business.. No matter how far or near you are from your goal, tonight give thanks for what has been realized (real eyes'd) this year so far..
We stand at the gateway of the 3 month sojourn into darkness, where deep rest and replenishment, collective dreaming and creativity awaits. Allow all that no longer serves you to reach its full completion and give thanks for the gift in your experiences.
Southern Kings & Queens!!!
Happy Ostara Lovely Hearts!!! You've made it through the passage of winter.. What did you learn about your beautiful Self? Perhaps you realized a new dream during the creative energy of winter? Now is the time to plant, plan and take actions. At this portal of balance ask yourself how you can be more balanced in your masculine and feminine to articulate your dreams and make them reality? Celebrate the soothing warmth of the sun shining on your hearts desires, cracking open those beautiful seeds that were planted in winters womb of dreaming. Feel the sweet song of the birds and celebrate earth in her glorious maiden expression. She is the seductress of life right now, she is alluring playfulness and vibrancy and infinite possibility xxx
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