Capricorn marks the time of the year that we celebrate the light! The Sun is beaming His powerful rays in the southern hemisphere as we celebrate the longest days of the year & we celebrate the emergence out of the darkest days towards the light in the northern hemisphere…
Capricorn LOVEs to look for new hope to inspire us to continue on our mission to climb the mountain (Capricorn is the sign of the mountain goat). The drive to reach the top is inspired by the compelling urge to succeed in life and provide a solid foundation for the future… These are all aspects of the element of earth; stable, foundational, focused, two feet on the ground, driven by the question "what am I doing today to be proactive towards tomorrows future?”…
This drive can be out of balance so I want to encourage you, to stop for a moment and enjoy the view from where you are on the mountain of your life right now… Take in the sights, reflect on the journey that has brought you to this point and give yourself a pat on the back! Well done you!
This beautiful influence of determination to succeed provides an opportunity to get all of our affairs in order so that we can start the next year from a place of focused intention… Strength of will, combined with the intense love that capricorn invokes is foundational for living an effective life… Take a moment to reflect on how you are channelling your strength of will. Are you using your will to self care and make small choices in the direction of your dreams? Or are you using your will to sabotage, to dwell on the past, to escape through excessive hard work, to strive your way to the top of the mountain?
Capricorn in the Tarot is the Devil card, or the Trickster card in the Medicine Woman Tarot... This is about the unconscious patterns and stories that we tell ourselves that keep us stuck in situations that are holding us back... We humans all have shadows and light, we all have darkness that we battle wether we admit it to ourselves or not... The good news is that these patterns that are hidden in our unconscious that keep showing up in similar situations with different faces or circumstances is the wisdom of your soul urging you forward... It's the mountain goat inviting you onto higher ground... During this time of capricorn, take a good look at the stories you are telling yourself... Invite your Subconscious mind to shine a light on everything that is hidden in the unconscious and have the courage to climb the mountain of your life to greener pastures... These old patterns have the opportunity to be transformed in the light of the wisdom you have hidden within you... Within you is a well of knowledge and wisdom so rich and so ancient! You are more than capable of transforming these old patterns into new ones... So as you reflect on where you are on the mountain right now, take stock of your life... Write a new story, the story that serves your soul and do not listen to the trickster in your mind who wants to keep the old stories alive... Reach out and get some healing and assistance if you need... I am available, and I know many many wonderful healers I can refer you to if you don't resonate with me, the important thing to know is that help is available my beautiful friend...
Letting go of an old pattern or belief that has kept you going involves a mini ego death, which is important as we lay the foundatiions for what we want to build on... A letting go... It's likened to the asana we practice at the end of every yoga practice... Savasana ... When I watched my dad take his last breath it was the most beautiful experience, all of the struggle ended there. He returned to his Highest and purest form, it was like he had done all of the work, he had prepared himself and then his body went into Savasana… This is the point of new beginnings… Its the end of a phase, the beginning of a new one… This is our time, while we are in Capricorn, to allow the endings and the new beginnings to settle in… To really take in the foundations that have been laid already, to prepare to build upon the rock of these foundations in the year to come… The lessons you have learnt have given you skills to use as you approach the coming seasons with mastery. You have an inner treasure chest of tools to use as you weave the sacred mandala of your life…
We have just come out of Sagittarius, who takes us into the I KNOW, helps us realise our universal intelligence, opens us up to Higher learning, skills and knowledge. How perfect is this cycle of nature? Now we can take these lessons from Saggi and actualise them with the earthiness of beautiful Capricorn…
This is a time of inspiration & recalibration, as we initiate new goals from our new prospective. We celebrate the lessons learnt & reflect on those we may not understand, asking for the light of awareness to shine on our questions & bring through revelation & insight
Here’s your official reminder to ask for assistance… You can also book a healing or a reading if it resonates with you & you need some assistance…. You don’t need to struggle on your own, help is available
Have you ever herd of the saying “Trust in Allah but tie up your camels”? … This means look after that which you are a custodian of, the things you now have in your hand to work with…. The year past has primed us for a new slate, and if you are a bit of a gypsy like me, this is a good time to commit to a little earthing… Even gypsy’s, dreamers, creatives and cosmic wanderers need the earth element!!! So take this time to earth yourself so you may take your time and enjoy the journey up the mountain…. Now climbing a mountain may sound tiring, but have you ever seen a mountain goat climb a mountain? Dude it’s like gliding for a bird!!!!
My question for you is, where are you on the mountain of your life? And what reaction are you having to it? Are you stuck and bellowing, complaining that you are where you are? Are you climbing and climbing never looking around to see where you are and enjoying the view? Are you taking your time? Perhaps looking back in nostalgia not even aware that if you look around from where you stand now you will see that your life is opening up to the experiences you have been asking for, creating from the womb of your desire… ? The reaction you engage in in the here and now will be your point of attraction for the days and weeks to come. So step out of reaction & into the response that will bear the fruit you want to harvest, even if it is no response its better that reaction…
So beloved family of sacred rebels, spiritual gangsters, visionaries, gypsy’s, dreamers, renegade’s, healers and rappers (I like to pretend I’m a rapper sometimes, its fun!) Now is the time to reflect on the lightness of life as the Sun moves with His glorious awareness through the lens of capricorn… As Grandmother Moon aligns with Capricorn on the new moon in December and shines her awareness on that which has been hidden in our subconscious & unconscious minds… Know that we are so supported by our universal Grandmother, and Father, they provide the circumstances for us to clear the slate, tie up our camels, give them a feed and then ride those fuckers into the sunset heheee! We take stock of our life through rest, replenishment, acts of self care that lift our vibration up and realign us with the frequency of love… Capricorn is devoted, and deeply loving… Receive the love that is around you, it is everywhere, in the song of the birds, the sunset and the sunrise, the mountains and the oceans, the flowers and the food, in the eyes of strangers and friends… Take time out, journal & honour where you are now… You are exactly where you are meant to be, no matter how painful that may be right now, you will rise out of the ashes like a phoenix …
This is a time of replenishment, of hope for the days to come, of nurturing in the present moment & for enjoying the view from where you are on the mountain of life… Celebrate our triumphs and your disasters, its a beautiful messy masterpiece this life… Capricorn gives us the strength to step into mastery and take these lessons learn, turning them into a golden tapestry of art…
Blessings on the season to come! May the ripple effects of our lives make a difference in the big picture and bring restoration and authentic love to our planet… xxxxx
Peace out ... Thanks for reading xxx Jade xx