Raise your frequency with the Sun
This luminous glorious ball of golden light that wakes us in the morning and injects us with feel good flavour, has been worshipped across many tribes, religions and people throughout time. Which is easy to understand seeing that the sun is one of our most powerful and all pervading presences in the galaxy... This presence of the almighty sun is what has allured science, astrology and religion into lifetimes of devoted study as the rays of this golden ball of warmth, radiance and feel good frequency invokes a fascination, adoration and intrigue in humanity. So what is this sun all about? On a scientific, spiritual, emotional and frequency level? Why is its commanding presence so important for humanity, past, present and future? AND How can we use the Sun to raise our frequency?
On a scientific level
The Sun is the star at the centre of this solar system. It is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma with internal convective motion that generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process. It is by far the most important source of energy for life on earth. (Wikkipedia) The sun is made of plasma, a gas-like state of matter in which electrons and ions have separated, creating a super-hot mix of charged particles. When charged particles move, they naturally create magnetic fields, which in turn have an additional effect on how the particles move. (Nasa)
The sun is our ever present guide who shines light on the earth. Light is an electromagnetic wave, that can be measured in speed, length, amplitude and frequency. These waves move in around and through matter, activating the plants and animals to participate in the process of nourishment and sustenance of the planet through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is not just essential to oxygen production but to energy production, to convert solar energy into chemical energy and store that chemical energy for use when needed.... Nourishment for all beings bebeeee!!
On the spiritual/cosmic level
The sun (in astrology) is the bringer of light, prana, life-force, awareness, consciousness & creativity... The light of awareness (consciousness) invites us into a deep & enriching experience of life by illuminating the self, ego, our personality & our identity in this world … Our relationship with the Sun assists us to manifest who we are in this world & reconnects us to the core essence of our being… The core essence of our being IS OUR PURPOSE..
Your purpose in this world, is to fully embody and be you. You (the you inside your body) are frequency, emitting waves of expression through resonance and sound, a unique resonance and sound that can be expressed & interpreted in a myriad of ways. When your do that, natural desire will arise to take action. This process is an inside job that cannot be dictated by any one else. It is through the light of awareness that we reconnect with our frequency, through moments of connection within.
This light of awareness is the light that shines and pierces through the darkness of duality, bringing us back to the experience of ourselves as unity consciousness. Unity occurs when we realize that there is no greater or lesser, that we are equal, and that you simply are, I simply AM... I AM..
Now experiencing I AM is not as simple as offering 108 sun salutes, Om Namah Shivayaing until our lips turn blue like Shiva, eating all our veggie’s like good kids, hailing Mary Jesus and Joseph and abstaining from animal products… There is no magical recipe, or a book we can read to “get there”…. But we do have an ever present guide who’s devotion to shining the light and leading us forward will never fail… And there are STEPS WE CAN TAKE TO CONNECT & ALIGN US WITH THE SUN & THE LIGHT OF AWARENESS…
Life is an intricate and beautiful web of layers and layers of moments of awareness which spark us to take action. To change our ways, to leave situations that are not in alignment with our soul guiding us towards less limitation, more freedom.
Have you ever wondered WHY the sun moves through 12 Zodiac signs? He (yes the sun is believed to be masculine in nature, the moon feminine) has an intimate experience with each zodiac sign for a whole month on auto pilot for a reason… The planets cycle and move and evolve for a reason… They are leading us to the ultimate remembering, returning us to unity consciousness and out of the perpetual dis ease of separation…
The sun illuminates the lessons that we need to learn on a collective consciousness level. Think about the magic that is occurring here, for a whole solar month, each month, the sun is sitting in a particular zodiac sign for a reason. Each zodiac sign is being illuminated and the light codes that the sun is shining down on earth are shining in the hearts & souls of every living being. This is a wonderful synergy of collective growth, an out pouring of devotion from Father Sun who shows no partiality. EVERY LIVING BEING…. Is being given the opportunity to rise through the light of awareness (consciousness). This warms my heart no end, it indeed means that we are rising together, as one, no matter how it may seem right now.
Our astrological evolution is serving us by guiding us, through energy and light frequency, to access all that we are. Remembering where we came from and what we are doing here to share on this exquisite planet earth that we have the privilege of taking care of.….
This cosmic evolution is why you, my beautiful friend, have a different sun sign to me, this is why we get to experience the sun in 12 different signs, year in, year out… Because we are here to walk in the light of awareness as it's illuminated by Father Sun, in His wisdom to guide us towards our highest path through the remembering of all that we are… Through the QUALITIES of each of the 12 zodiac signs we experience life in its multifaceted beautiful mess and glory… We are here to learn mastery… With the help of our cosmic zodiac friends!
The sun is the centre of the universe, all of the planets cycle around the sun…. Father Sun gives light and energy to all of the other planets inspiring their purpose and their personality (if you like) to be expressed in the universe… Starting to click?
He (Father Sun) rules over Leo and the Fifth house (the house of pleasure! ;) ) … The fire that burns in our bellies for experience, in what ever form it may take. Usually inspired by pleasure & desire. In some cultures pleasure is a taboo word, maybe for you, you have never had permission to allow pleasure or desire to inspire you into action. This is your permission slip my friend!! When you go out into the sun today, allow the ray’s of warmth to illuminate your desire, your pleasure and ask yourself, “What is my pleasure today?” ….
Maybe it is taking the time to smell the flowers, maybe it is watching a sunrise, maybe its to start your project, your business, to have that conversation, maybe it is deepening your relationship with your sexual pleasure in a sacred way that connects you to the Divine, maybe it is to transform your habits through the light of awareness and the fire of the Sun? What ever your pleasure is, let it be illuminated, give it space to speak, try not to negotiate with your desires, or squash them, or make them wrong. Just for a moment, allow yourself this pleasure! We cover loads more on pleasure and how to deepen your relationship with this aspect of life in our 'feminine embodiment temple journey'.
Numerological the sun is a number 1, 1 is the number of new beginnings. Among the nine single-digit numbers, the 1 takes a special place. From a spiritual perspective, it is the number of creation, the primal force from which all other numbers spring forth (as opposed to the often quoted zero from which, by definition, nothing could possibly come into being). It is said that when you truly understand the place and function of this most primal of all numbers, you will know all there is to know and enlightenment is yours. This statement, of course, does not apply to an understanding of the number 1 from a Numerologist's perspective alone, but perhaps that is a good place to start, as the personality of the number 1 aligns nicely with its more elevated spiritual symbolism.
The 1 is a doer, a powerful force that produces results and does not allow anything or anyone to limit its potential. The 1 is aggressive, a necessary energy for creating and producing. The 1 is always in the forefront: a spearpoint directing and leading others. The shape of the number 1, just like the shape of all other symbols, reflects its meaning; it walks upright with pride and purpose. Strong, determined, unwavering and with specific goals in mind, the 1 can turn dreams and ideas into reality. It pushes obstacles aside or simply drills right through them.
The 1 grows, transforms and improves in perpetuity, precisely the way Mother Nature does. After all, nature's primal force and most basic building block is the number 1.
On a physical level
The sun brings many health benefits, when exposed to its rays we are imbued in life force & empowered with prana, our entire being is nourished, our cells are activated, our pituitary gland is replenished and repaired and our energy body (aura) is strengthened… This in turn inspires our will to engage in healthier more conscious activities that make us feel good.. The rays of the sun activate seratonin in the brain, the feel good happy hormone!
Light through your skin cells tells your body how much melatonin to produce, when it gets dark your body is sent a message to start to go to sleep, 2hrs after light exposure... (This is why its important to shut down technology 2hrs before sleep)...
Depending on your complexion 5-15 mins of sunlight a day increases your bodies production of vitamin D. Getting enough vitamin D is essential for healthy bones & muscles, healthy cardiovascular system & mental health balance.
So when the Sun rises in the morning, infusing your body in Solar energies, and allow this to lift your consciousness. Allow yourself to be allured by the rays of light into a deep and intimate relationship with yourself, to receive & be all that you are, so that you can share your life with others from a full cup. Build your internal fire, by choosing to expand your energy rather than contract it. Solar energy is action baby!!! Bring it!
We are at a time in the evolution of humanity when the sun is emitting solar flares left right and centre, reading what we have just covered it is fairly obvious that this is for the point of evolution, to bring us into consciousness. Into unity consciousness. But first, we will see through the light of awareness, what is not working. This can create massive disruption in the world around us. Think of a hibernating animal waking up, not pretty!! You step on a sleeping snake and watch out!!! So, dear family, we must utilize this energy to be masterful in responsiveness, reacting less and getting out in nature to enjoy these light codes that are arriving on our planet through the cosmic highway of the sun. Increased solar activity, means increased consciousness. There are waves upon waves of light frequencies being emitted on the planet, to raise us up out of this mess we have found ourselves in... The way things are, is not sustainable, we are killing our earth, its time for the wake up. This means we as the renegades of light, the frequency holders, we need to be super tuned into our pleasure, our fun, our mother earth, doing what makes us feel light and bringing this to the world, sharing awareness where we can from authenticity and love. No pushing making wrong or shoving, BE the light in the world!!!
We are approaching the lions gate and the eclipse pathway of August 2017, this is a potent time for the evolution of humanity. We as a collective are raising our frequency, so that we can co create the life that we yearn for, take back what has been stolen from us and embody our true potentiality. Now is the time to rise my sisters and brothers!! To the sun, our glorious Sacred Masculine shining the light of consciousness.
I urge you to see the sun in every male identified beings on earth, to honour that in him, no matter how he is behaving. For too long we have focused on what the masculine is NOT doing. Now is the time to see the immense power for consciousness in our brothers and to support them in bringing this out in them. Men are Solar, they hold the codes of light within them. Women are lunar we hold the keys of creativity, rhythm and flow within us, together we are the light of the world... We are all solar and lunar and as we honour the masculine/feminine before us for the light they chose to hold in the body they inhabit we will come out of this mess of duality and into harmony... Some are choosing to not be gender identified, you are sacred union within... We all are... Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine... Here are some practical practices for embodying the light codes of the sun...
Practices to Deepen your relationship with the Sun and Unity Consciousness
Deepen your relationship with Prana/Life force
Know what house the sun was in when you were born
Practice awareness and then take inspired actions
Sun Salutes
Get your free class here
1. Deepen your relationship with Prana ~ Life Force, this allows us to enter into relationship with life itself!
Learning how to breathe correctly is perhaps one of the most foundational steps on the path of Self care. The breath is life itself. So many of us either have no connection with the breath at all, or shallow/chest breathe. The yogi’s believe that we have a certain amount of breath’s in our incarnation. Don’t hold your breath!! :) This is why in yoga we teach the breath as the first step to awareness or a life of consciousness. Think about this for a second…..
Prana is life!!!!!! Breath is life!!!!!
I highly recommend we start by welcoming life through our breath…
Take an inhale, exhale….
Do it again…..
Let your breath be natural not forced…. Just drink in life through the breath…
This my darling, is the energy of the life, consciousness and the Sun…. If you need to restore your relationship with life, and the masculine, starting here is an awesome place to begin…. You are safe to receive life….
Place your hands on your belly …. Bring the breath down into the belly, feel your lungs expand… Exhale and relax… Now staying relaxed breathe into your belly again, expand the lungs without forcing… Exhale from lungs, emptying the belly last…. Do this a few times... Inhale…. belly, lungs (expand into your side ribs)…. Exhale…. Lungs, belly….Notice how it becomes a wave of breath moving in and out life waves on the ocean shore… Notice how you begin to calm down, feel centred and at peace? Here is a recorded 10 min meditation for you to download and have on your phone for your lunch break, or those moments when you need to come back to awareness through the breath… Next time you watch yourself going to sabotage, go back to the breath…
Click here for my guided breathing practice
2. Know what house the sun was in when you were born
http://www.astro.com … To check out your sun sign…
Or you can book a session with Simi, she is our Sacred Women Collective in house astrologer! Simi is amaze balls and keeps us in alignment with what's happening on a cosmic level... So important!!
3. Practice awareness and then take inspired actions
Practicing awareness is simply being the observer of yourself… Its like zooming out and watching your thoughts… When you begin to observe yourself, you will start to notice that a lot of your thoughts are gibberish and are not serving you… My question for you is… "If you want to create a really fun connected successful and abundant life, why are you spending your time thinking about things that will not nourish your cause?"
Where attention goes, energy flows, so take stock of your life, first by becoming the observer… Treat it like having a date with yourself, every day… Listen intently to the trains of thought you go on… Then take inspired actions to create the life you really want rather than living in the self perpetuating mess and drama of the monkey mind. If you need assistance with this, book in for a session with me, I would love to help. There are many reasons we get in loops of sabotage, replaying the pain, the story and the habit… You can change it! If you commit you will! If you need a little assistance, I am here for you…
4. Sun Salutes
If you have ever practiced yoga, you will be familiar with 'salute to the sun'. For those of you who are not acquainted with sun salutations let me introduce you to a body, mind, spirit practice that has the potential to transform and ground you bringing more peace and harmony into your daily life. If you are going to introduce anything into your life, this is the one thing I encourage you to do, for 15 mins everyday in the sun. Sun salutes lengthen and strengthen every muscle of your body bringing balance to your mind, your neuro circuitry, calming your mind, pumping your body with fresh oxygen and most importantly in context of this blog post, increases awareness and prana flooding your body and being with vitality.
I have created a free package for your to learn, its a mini yoga class & meditation.
Daily self care practice to harness solar energy and bring unity consciousness into your every day life.
Join us for the feminine embodiment temple journey
Begins on new moon August 21 2017