
Capricorn marks the time of the year that we celebrate the light! The Sun is beaming His powerful rays in the southern hemisphere as we celebrate the longest days of the year & we celebrate the emergence out of the darkest days towards the light in the northern hemisphere… 

Capricorn LOVEs to look for new hope to inspire us to continue on our mission to climb the mountain (Capricorn is the sign of the mountain goat).  The drive to reach the top is inspired by the compelling urge to succeed in life and provide a solid foundation for the future… These are all aspects of the element of earth; stable, foundational, focused, two feet on the ground, driven by the question "what am I doing today to be proactive towards tomorrows future?”… 

Dark Moon Scorpio 2019

Dark Moon Scorpio 2019

Here we are at the end of Scorpio season.  It has been one hell of a ride! Scorpio, paired with Mercury retrograde, paired with Uranus in Taurus has been quite the combo and let’s face it, its been a big stretch in consciousness !!!  

Uranus doesn’t like being brought down to earth, when the planet of big vision joins forces with Taurus he shakes shit up!!!  As we can see right now in the current state of affairs on earth.  It’s like he comes to visit the 3D and say’s “hell no this is not the big vision!!!”  Accidents and tragedy follow to reconnect us with the big vision of what is really important to us, to help us to be ‘less attached’ to our humanness and the limitations therein… He say’s ‘why are you doing this to yourself?’ ‘Your not that, your an infinite being!!!’  ‘We are one you mob of idiots, wake up, stop sleepwalking!!!’  ‘You guys have forgotten what this is all about, your not defined by all of these material things and these relationships you are clinging to’.    Sometimes, the shakeup needs to happen in rather intense ways for us to listen, unfortunately.

Sagittarius ~ Aim Straight & Shoot

Sagittarius ~ Aim Straight & Shoot



“The inner alchemist mixes everything I have ever known, thought, or said into perfect blend”

Relax, Allow ‘all that is” to be expressed in and through you… The archetype of temperance is the one who mixes a beautiful elixir and colours your world with its delight of the 5 senses!!!

Her influence brings clear thinking that brings together all fo the ideas ideals and experiences as an arrow of truth… She seeks to remind you that your target is UNION WITHIN. You are the One you have been waiting for.