The Gift Of Easter for Earth Lovers, Christians, Jewish Queens & Pagans
This time of Easter is one of the most powerful portals for Change, Rest, Replenishment and Reflection.
We have just celebrated the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere & Autumn Equinox in the Southern. Both are the celebration of equal light and equal dark, where we find balance within and without.
What a perfect time to pause this easter weekend, to reflect and to engage in sacred reflection. To recalibrate for the coming season of Autumn or Spring (depending where you are on the globe).
The gift of the seasons is constantly leading us deeper into the nature of the sacred feminine as the wisdom of our Earth Mumma moves through our land, our bodies and our hearts, if we stop, breathe and listen.
Last night I was reflecting on easter season & how beautifully it honours so many religions and beliefs... But you have to zoom out and see it from the view of the observer! Then you will see the gold!
The awareness I am about to share with you got me feeling so connected to a bigger picture of ancient wisdom & I hope it gets you juicy too!
Here we go ladies, grab yourself a cuppa and lets dive in.... Easter Reset Blessings!
Originally, before christianity, easter was the time when the goddess Ishtar was celebrated. She's one of the goddess's of love, sex & fertility. This explains how the rabbits and the eggs made their way into our easter baskets! Ladies of love, this is your time!
In the northern hemisphere the pagans & natives celebrate the coming of spring. It's time to plant new seeds for the coming cycle. Its a bit of a thing for the nature worshipping folk to gather baskets & fill them with bounty & decorated eggs as a symbolism and ritual that our seeds of intentions are being planted in the waking earth. It is a time to celebrate the passing of winter and the cycle of deep sleep and death. With deep gratitude for Creator for a safe and provision filled winter. The balance of dark and light has come and the new beginning of the wheel of life has started spinning!!!!
Yeaaah Haaaaa! Fill up your baskets ladies, its time to celebrate! The bunnies are a symbol of fertility, of the creative energy in our wombs. What is your deepest desire to create this cycle
For those of us who are in the northern hemisphere I encourage you this weekend to fill your metaphorical basket, to create an alter or a sacred space that represents the seeds you are planting for the year ahead. Journal and give thanks for the coming phase in the wheel of the year and write down your intention or manifestatiion list. Dream big sis I give you full permission, listen to your heart and write down anything that comes, no judgement! Then write a list of gratitude for all that has just come to pass, the lessons you have learnt this year so far, the things you have let go of to create more space for the new you to emerge.
Need assistance creating a sacred space? You have always wanted to do it but never known where to start? Access my free course here
In the southern hemisphere we are celebrating the harvest, the passing of summer, the days are finally cooling down bringing rivers of refreshment & a welcome relief for the long steamy hot days. Its a time to celebrate the harvest, the seeds that you planted in Spring, that came to fruit in summer that you are enjoying now. Its time to pause and prepare for the winter, for the time of letting go and allowing all that is ready to die to die. Its time to prepare for the great rest. To rest, to let go so that you can fully embrace Spring when she comes forth again. The winter reflects our bleed, the time when we go within, its time to hibernate, to recharge and replenish. I encourage you to write a gratitude list, a surrender list and a sacred self care list to prepare you for your pause in the cooler months.
Easter is also a time of honouring and giving thanks for Christ Consciousness and the eternal evolution of the soul, for the gift of new beginnings. This beautiful man Jesus is honoured for all that he came to teach, for the gift of his presence that came to share. To be a Sacred Rebel & shake up the dark ages style of religeous piousness that was causing so much suffering (and still does today) ... Most of all He came to bring us back to the heart & to forgiveness.
As we pause this weekend, may it be a time of expanded hearts & offering forgiveness!
Passover is a time of gratitude for Supreme protection, the warmth of family and home and heart. Of devotion and how this drawing close to who ever you call Creator is a profound and deep protection against darkness.
Here we see the Sacred Masculine in Divine protection, forgiveness, courage, selflessness and surrender. Bringing Consciousness to our Creation. Bringing action to our dream.
So now here we are lovelies, some of us in the Northern Hemisphere, about to enter into action that the longer days bring. Some in the Southern about to enter rest that the shorter days bring. Yet all with the light of Father Sun and the provision & creation of Mother Earth guiding our hearts & our womb wisdom. Together this month and this weekend in particular we are all celebrating Sacred Union within. We honour the balance of light and dark, masculine and feminine, planting and harvesting, nurturing and letting go, working and resting.
No matter what you believe in, we can all gather so much wisdom from each others practices, we are one tribe, many beliefs and colours walking the path that is sacred to us. You are sacred to me dear sister! May your easter be truly and deeply blessed....
Click the image below to enjoy this beautiful explanation of this time of year... May it fill your heart with the memory of the simplicity & wisdom that the seasons bring! xxxx