Why I sold my business, lived in my van and pondered existence for a year

Why selling my business and living in my van was the best thing I have ever done for myself x

Its #BusinessExpressionWednesday and today I'm feeling inspired to share a little more about my journey to get here in this moment with you now....  


Two years ago, I sold my second business with the intention to simply be...  To have an adventure and just be with myself... I had burnt myself out AGAIN from striving and doing business in a way that was really fear driven and quite masculine in structure.  When I say masculine I just mean linear, action orientated and results driven, which is good, but I was out of balance.... Waaaaaayyy out of balance!... I was a perpetual striver, striving, to be something, to live with purpose, to know my purpose and to feel accomplished, but it was from a place of lack... Which of course led to burnout... You probably know this story well?  


So I dedicated a year of my life to unravelling this fucking stupid program that was stealing my joy and robbing me dry... (Don't get me wrong, I learnt so much and I am so incredibly grateful for all of the experience, the clients, my staff, the support of my beautiful partner at the time to make my dreams into  a reality... It was awesome! But it ended in burnout ) .... I traded my 14 hour days in one location trying to get ahead, for living in my van and enjoying long days on the beach, allowing myself to do nothing, yes, nothing...  Yep my brain went through some pretty solid melt downs and arguments, but my soul won!


I gave myself permission to do, be and respond to life according to the pulse of my soul guiding me forward and onward, in a new way... For months in my devotion time, the reflections from the universe were simple...


I am enough because I exist....


Because I exist I am living my purpose...


I realized that by being brave enough to step out of the system of striving for a moment & to dive into my feminine nature, that the space that opened in me was so wide and broad that I was able to really tune into the energy of receiving... Receiving information, love, rest, play (loads of play), sacred romance with mother nature, hot steamy nights with beautiful lovers, long luxurious days, sunsets with my family and friends playing music at Watego's watching the sun go down over the magical Northern rivers in Australia...


Sometimes I would feel guilty, And still the universe kept whispering


"YOu are living your purpose"...


When I really got it, deep in my Spirit, things shifted gears.  I was able to then engage in inspired action... From a place of union within, a place where Divine information and love connect and start a fire that needs to be expressed.. In writing, song, or what ever expression it is...


I wrote, I sang, I shared circle with my amazing sisters (online circle is the bomb for gypsy gals, seriously so grounding).  I studied, more hahahaaa.  And I learnt how to truly self care...  I began the birthing process of the sacred women movement, and I surrendered to that still small voice within me... 


Thats why this is 'sacred' business expression wednesday.  From the well of existential purpose (the purpose in being) creative passion builds.... And there is something so magical about the expression of that, it is our gift to ourselves, because we are giving our heart and soul permission to speak...

From this a new journey for women has birthed through me... A way of living and being in business in a feminine way, that respects and honours our cycles, that creates time and space for our depth, our seeming inconsistency (which by the way is not inconistent, it is "Feminine Consistency"....  Feminine consistency mean we are consistent in our cyclic nature, our phases and our sensitivites... Do you see the moon trying to be consistent like the sun? No!!! She's on her own program, and creating so much healing on the planet!  And so will you my sister, when you embrace your rhythmic nature.


If your vibing with this and want more that's awesome! I'm holding a workshop, called "Feminine Consistency" its specifically for creative soul driven women to and packages to support other creative soul driven women find a feminine rhythm.  To live with purpose from a place of ease and connection to the natural cycles and take the load.   This puts the connection in your business ventures and makes it enjoyable, with loads of reward.  With this process your bleed is like entering a temple of dreaming.... Which creates a whole new revitalized space of doing biz!


If theres anything I want you to take away from this post it's this:


Rest my loves, find the time to deeply and truly rest, especially when you bleed, because from this space, you will spring forth your sacred expression in the world... And sign up for my workshop! Coz its time for us to do things with a whole new approach!!  Ease baby, playful, deep, open, wild and free... 


Jade Mason.. s a womens mysteries facilitator, yoga teacher, energy mistress, shamanic sound healer & mindfulness coach.  She is the founder of the Sacred Women School of Ancient Feminine Mysteries and the Sacred Women Movement.

The power of intention


The Medicine Wheel and Your cycle