Cancer ~ Redefining Success & Taking Rest

Cancer ~ Redefining Success & Taking Rest

Here we meet the halfway point in the wheel of the year. We have toiled the garden of Life and planted the seeds of our desires and dreams in the fertile soil of our hearts and we've taken appropriate actions to make them a reality. Now is the time to rest and reflect in the successes that have sprung forth from our intentions.

One’s power to will is the momentum that drives our successes… Desire takes charge of one’s life and willpower kicks in to make them a Reality. Essentially, willpower is the chariot that is driven by mental discipline and directive…

Gemini ~ Sacred Union Within

Gemini ~ Sacred Union Within

Finding ones Spirit within is key to attracting our big love in life.  Wether that big love be an individual, a career, passion, purpose or service to humanity, unity within is the core ingredient to living a life that is both inspired and passionate and grounded and productive. 

So many of us spend our lives investing time and energy in another person/profession/thing (especially people!).  We pour our devotion, time, patience, money, adoration and make deals with ourselves about their behaviour.  Often thinking 'he/she just need more time, skills, love, to heal, to overcome their addiction, to let go, etc' the list is endless.  OR we spend our time thinking that WE need to change 'I just need to go and get another healing, then it will change my point of attraction. 'I'm just too needy'  'If I could just learn to not blow up when I'm premenstrual we ill be ok'  Sound familiar???

Taurus ~ I am the mediator between my inner and outer worlds

Taurus ~ I am the mediator between my inner and outer worlds

Taurus is ruled by Venus, which means we are being imbued in all the glory of sensuous delight. Venus inspires embodiment through sensuality, love, beauty & the 6 senses. She guides us towards more pleasure filled ventures, showing us how to make self care our first priority. When venus comes knocking she is inviting us to step into more sovereignty and create our empire with the magnetism of the womb portal. Venus guides us to enjoy the sensuous pleasures of life, yet not give our power away. She shows us how to have a new point of attraction to attract to ourselves the lovers, the jobs, the care, the friends & the open doors that are aligned with the Goddess within us. We must be listening with radical abandon to allow Venus’s guidance to penetrate our lives, which is the gift we are being offered this month through the PEACEMAKER archetype.