What is the Sacred Women Tribe?
Whats crackalackin?!
For a long time now I have had a desire to co create with likeminded women... To really move away from the boring old ways of competition and striving and towards co creation and celebration of our gifts, our challenges and the basic beauty of beingness...
My name is Jade, I'm the founder of this Sacred Women Movement... Well actually, I am the co founder, because I believe that every step I take is actually in service to the Sacred, to the Divine flowing through me... We all have a really large team of universal helpers that really wanna see us return to tribe, to unity, to being and to remember how infinately intelligent and blessed we are! They are the founders of this movement really :)
So basically in a nutshell..... The Sacred Women movement is about connecting with the sacred in our daily lives and inspiring lasting change in the world around us… We are real women who choose to participate consciously in the sacredness of life… We are weaving a mandala on the planet with every step we take…
Our aim is to inspire you to rise to your potential by offering workshops, astrology, courses, inspiration, awareness, readings and all the juicy goodness that is available to us!!!! New moon ceremonies are a really helpful way to stay focused and effective and clear the slate each month, they keep us in awareness of Grandmother moon, here’s your free Lunar Rhythmic Woman Planner & New Moon intention setting workbook (playbook)
Free offerings for sassy business babes
Masterful mistresses of Daily Radness
intentional facebook group offerings
Saturday : #SacredSelfCareSaturday …. We kick off our week on Saturdays with self care inspiration… Self care is the foundation and the pillar for a life of prosperity and vitality… When we care for ourselves in action and intention the ripple effect spreads far and wide to those we love and beyond…. Living a life of abundance starts here... From the inside out!
Monday: #MasterfulMondays …. This is where we step our self care, into Self actualisation. Where we take the wisdom we have gathered from the books we are reading, the information we have taken in over the years and move into Mastery through inspired action and focused intention… You probably know by now that going to healers, business coaches, readers & therapists of all shapes and sizes are helpful but there comes a time when we must step into mastery. Where we take all of the jewels we have acquired in the tool kit of our lifetime/lifetimes & apply them… So Monday is like our inner commitment day… If you are in business you can use this space as an accountability, inspiration, and supportive space… If you are in the business of being the best you that you can be (i.e. not in business yet), you can use this space to express to our sisterhood the actions you will take, and the mindsets you are committing to in order to actualise and step into mastery! Wooooo Watch this space, massive growth will spring forth from this… Flexillence!!!! Flexing our excellence!
Tuesday: #TarotTuesdays …. I’m learning Tarot at the moment, so for Jan and Feb I am doing free readings on Tuesday's… Inbox me for an appt…. Please feel free to share cards and inspiration on Tuesday's if you feel lead to we would love to hear your wisdom & interpretations!! Within us all in a wise woman, sage, energy mistress, this is a playful platform to open up and flex your excellence!
Wednesday: #SacredBusinessExpressionWednesdays… This is the day of the week that we wanna hear what you are doing!!! Your flavour and sparkle in business... What are you working on? Share blogs, websites, programs, logo’s, ask for advice, share your new songs, ideas… The intention is to inspire each other to keep growing from strength to strength… Please note… If you have not been actively involved in our tribe during the week, please do not post only on this day… While we support networking and growing together, Opportunism is not welcome here… Women who choose to gift and receive in the beautiful flow of sisterhood and support are more than welcome to share… The sisters who share here will be put in the draw for that weeks sacred business expression podcast (coming in the new year 2017)
free new moon ceremonies
Sacred woman you are lunar rhythmic, meaning that you reflect the same phases as Grandmother moon... When we apply our awareness to be mindful of her cycles, we open ourselves up to powerful transformation. Instead of continuing to push and strive and compete we can soften to our true feminine nature... The truth is we are not designed to be on all of the time... Our dreaming happens in the stillness and darkness of the dark moon as she prepares to reNEW, just as we do when we bleed... Then as she moves toward the fullness of her light (Full moon/ovulation time) the energy is up, it is renewed, there is more inspiration and energy available for projects & actualising our dreams. This is why the dark/new moon is such a potent time to set ourselves up for the month ahead and to get to know the rhythms of our feminine bodies more... If this resonates with you here is a gift to get you in the flow with Grandmother moon... Lunar Rhythmic Woman Planner & New Moon Planner that will help you prepare for our ceremony each month.
Sacred Women School of ancient feminine mysteries
This is our online space for women in our tribe to offer online courses, workshops, masterminds and inspiration... You can check it out here...
Its a work in progress (Sacred Women is a year old on March 29th 2017...)
This years schedule:
Jan New Moon 2017
Sacred Self Care Course and Circle
March New Moon 2017
Lunar Rhythmic Woman Course & Weekly Workshops
May New Moon 2017
Ancient Wisdom Modern Woman Program
May New Moon 2017
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Mastermind
All of these courses are offered as a Self Paced courses, as well as in group program format.... Sales pages to come, my dad passed away a month ago and sales pages are the last thing on my list right now... The inspiration that has flown from such a powerful time with my Papa has opened me up to more power, more stillness and more unconditional love than I have ever known... I am so looking forward to sharing with you in 2017...
feeling the vision? wanna co create radness?
If you have a business expression or program that you feel is in alignment with our vibe and tribe, I would love to hear from you! This is a collective, a co creation with the intention of creating ripple effects far and wide!
I hope you find this space inspiring, that it creates abundance and it opens your inner and outer worlds up to infinite possibility and expansion!!! There is a much more effective way for us to create the life of our dreams, the feminine way… Where we replace striving, competition, struggle and burn out, for inspired action, support and collectively creating the future we want to see our children enjoy! Much love Jade xxx
P.s If you didn't catch it before Here a gift to help you prepare for our new moon ceremonies… Its a 10 page new moon manual that will help you each new moon to stay focused on your direction while assisting you on your path of Spiritual growth