Welcome to the Sacred Women Mystery school online Circle & workshop Space


Here we gather online to connect with our sisters in circle, workshop, temple space, moon lodge (red tent) and for private healing and coaching ...


At the day and time of the workshop/circle you have signed up for follow these steps:


Come to the workshop as if you are entering a sacred temple with your sisters bring a candle, journal, comfortable clothes, and your intention.  The more you prepare to enter this temple space the more you will be able to drop in.  Make sure that you wont be disturbed (though we understand life gets busy so do your best) 


  • Go to ZOOM (click here to download zoom its free to get an account. Follow the prompts to set up your account.


  • Enter this meeting number Meeting ID: 723 658 2457


  • You will see a microphone on the bottom of the screen, click MUTE. If the host opens sharing up for conversation, it is always with a talking stick. This is because we women get so excited!!! And its good to practice presence and listening. When you feel ready to share (which is optional, never compulsory) click the microphone button and take your self off mute and say "Hi this is Jane picking up the talking stick"... When you are finished, say, 'putting down the talking stick' or something that makes it clear you are complete.


  • You can ask questions in chat during the ceremony or the circle, please don't interrupt the presenter/space holder, type your questions and they will answer you for sure!


  • Enjoy, be authentic, be playful, and know we are all real women on a journey!!! No body is perfect, that’s the whole point of coming together… In sisterhood we rise, we remember and we find ease in the midst of life’s storms xxx