Solstice Blessings

Blessings Glorious Queens xx

No matter where you are in the world the solstice portal & the 3 days of dark moon that follow mark the end of this year according to the lunar and solar calendar. Yeah baby, its new year's!!!!

This potent astrological moment provides a powerful opportunity for us to enter the new decade from a place of soul alignment.

Seeing our life's events through a new perspective is a powerful way to show up for ourselves as we kiss goodbye a whole decade at the solstice portal between now and the new moon eclipse on 25th.

Sometimes the difference between pain and pleasure is perspective !

— Jadee

Ooooooo the lips I've had the privilege of kissing this decade! I'm only just thinking of this now as I write...

Kisses hello, kisses goodbye, kisses that linger long, big sloppy baby smooches, kind kisses on the cheek, shoulder kisses (oh how I love a shoulder kiss!), kisses in erogenous zones, 'kiss me more' kisses, oh the glory of kissing!

Even kissing goodbye those that I have loved so deeply, the kisses that stay on our lips forever. This decade I have kissed goodbye my 2 grandmothers, my dad and on Tuesday this week my dear dear elder and mentor Jillie, a kiss goodbye in this form forever.

Kissing goodbye 2020 and the decade it represents is such a powerful act of reverence. I have created a little reflection ritual for you to do before the new moon to help you glean goodness from the pain and celebrate your triumphs...

This portal when the Sun enters Cancer and the dark moon takes us into 3 days of deep listening is a recalibration point. A time of reflection and giving thanks for the gifts gleaned, lessons learned, help given. Its a time where we stop and marvel at the infinite wisdom in the cycles of life. The seed that was planted in our consciousness and cracked open through pressure, that grew in the light of love from Self and others, became a sapling, then a tree, it blossomed and grew fruit. The harvest was gleaned and the leaves fell to the ground, the light grew darker and the tree of our dreams was called into a great big rest to prepare for the next cycle.

This beautiful, majestic tree of life is constantly ebbing and flowing in innate rhythm. It needs no instruction, it just needs us to listen. So tonight, wether you are in the northern or southern hemisphere. Wether this is the peak of winter, or the peak of summer I invite you to reflect upon the unfolding of your life. Life is unfolding, on its own, all it asks of you is to show up, to listen and ask for the next step. Sometimes that step is to listen, reflect and rest. Sometimes it is to take action. Sometimes its to wait. Sometimes it is to let go. Which phase of life are you at?

Gratitude is one of the key activators for our inner light and it connects us to an expanded state of being. No matter how upside down your world may be right now, I invite you to invite the light of the Sun into your heart and ask for help to see what you can be grateful for as you do the ritual below.

My dear elder Jillie Collings passed away this morning. She is the one who introduced me to the wisdom of astrology and started me on the path of the priestess. She introduced me to the power of realigning my life with the cycles, which has lead to my life’s work of being a menstrual cycle mentor. Her wisdom lives on through me. Before she passed, she gifted me some very special information to share about the next phase of feminism on the planet, its so juicy and I feel so so blessed to co author this book that is birthing with her, to share her wisdom and he life’s work with you all is such an impeccable honour. I’m heart broken that I will never hear her laugh again in the form that she was in this lifetime, and so happy for her that she is with her beloved stars.

Bowing in reverence for our elders and their wisdom xx May we remember our ancient lineage wisdom & reclaim all that we are xx

2020 Timeline Ritual

You will need

Paper and pen to write on

Paper to burn

Paper to keep

Ritual items: fire proof bowl, lighter or matches, water.

Create a sacred space for yourself, light a candle, some incense, make sure your hydrated and fully available to yourself, preferably uninterrupted (but hey do what you can sexy mumma).

To begin ground yourself, walk on the earth, tune into the life beneath your feet and within every cell. Breath in for 4, out for 8 and come into your body.

Start by writing 2010 on your paper, write down all of the major events from the past 10 years, the year they occurred, what you learnt from them, and what you are celebrating letting go of. What's your take away and what are you proud of yourself for in that situation?

Write and write, think about the relationships you have fostered, follow the trail of the people you have met and the opportunities that have opened because of the them.

Then on a separate bit of paper, write down a list of the qualities you are letting go of. E.g for me, confusion!

Take a moment while the moon is waning, in her letting go phase, think of the gift that composting is, its the act of just letting nature take over and alchemize the shitfactory! So...... Connect to the innate wisdom that all substances and energies can be alchemised. Then burn your list... As the list burns say 'This ............... I now let go, free from me may it be so'

When you are done gift the ashes to the earth or mix them with water and water your plants. Take a shower and you are complete.

On the new moon you can do a 2020 vision ritual!!!!

Thank you beloved sisters for your support, contribution and love this year... I feel so so blessed by your presence in my life... Woaw I cant believe this is my life! I'm so blessed xxxxx

Last minute shopping??? Do you have a friend who is struggling and could use some guidance at the moment?

Gift vouchers for christmas... Tarot readings, Cycle Mapping Sessions & Feminine Energy Mentoring xx

Alchemy in the red tent doors open New Moon in January 25th


FULL MOON IN VIRGO:: Illuminating the inner critic/perfectionist & embodying the temple priestess


Ancient Wisdom For Modern Women