FULL MOON IN VIRGO:: Illuminating the inner critic/perfectionist & embodying the temple priestess

FULL MOON IN VIRGO:: Illuminating the inner critic/perfectionist & embodying the temple priestess

Hi beautiful, Wow Virgo Moon has been a potent one hey?!

Virgo in her light aspect is the sign of the celestial virgin and the temple priestess ~ she who chooses to be in mastery of her relationship with her sexuality, her womb, and her creative freedom.  The shadow side of Virgo is being so perfectionistic that we freeze, choke up and suppress ourselves.  The inner critic can be so ridiculously harsh on the Virgo full moon! Did you notice this in your personal journey? 

The ‘critic archetype’ can be super harsh with others, when things are out of our control. This is illuminated especially in romantic or familial relationships with the light of the Full Moon in Virgo.  If relationships have been clunky this weekend this post will help you with tools to begin transforming your relationship with yourself so that beautiful you can shine through a little more this week.

The way we show up with ourselves in our inner world is how we show up with others.  Healthy relationships that flourish from overflowing love and compassion are our birthright! I got ya girlfriend, sometimes all we need is a little more information and some support to shift things & tweak our internal compass around the things. Especially when we feel out of control, critical or perfectionistic, which we all do at times!

The gift that full moons bring is illumination. The light of the moon draws that which was previously hidden in the shadowy recesses of the subconscious mind into the conscious mind so we can shake shit up and make some positive change. We get to uplevel our dna patterning, releasing a little more family trauma, release default reactivity & create healthy sustainable patterns that support our growth & thriving. 

So how do we consciously work with our shadows?

the inner critic

the perfectionist

the controlling o.c.d part of us that freaks out every time someone is coming for tea and starts running around like a headless chicken making the house perfect?


the hypersensitive part of us that is affected by other people’s decisions and energy so we micromanage and burn ourselves out trying to find a place of reprieve from the hypersensitivity.

>> Recognize what your mind is telling you.

"What parts of myself do I currently believe need to be perfect before I can share and openly express myself”. 

“What am I hiding?”

“What do I believe about my worth, value, and enoughness right now”.  

“Is it true that I am only loveable if I get this right?”

“What would happen if I just stepped back and let this person do their thing right now?” What do I believe/fear here?

Journal it, write it down. As the moon begins to wane and the energy softens we have the opportunity to really dive deeper into self-reflection, to be the witness. At this stage, we are not transforming or shifting. We are witnessing and just letting all of the monkey mind jibberish come through. It’s potent work!

>>Be real and raw and feel

Entertaining beliefs of unworthiness and unlovability hurts! Feel the feels with honesty, practice self-compassion, be kind to beautiful you in your inner dialogue and begin to change your inner dialogue so uplift and be your own best friend.

>>Recognize that you are doing your best that with what you have right now, and that's ok

>>Shift the story into its highest octave by thanking the shadow behavior & the belief system that drives it for getting you this far and letting it go as the moon wanes over the next couple of weeks.

>>Choose to be ok with your imperfections

Remember that your body is nature herself, nature is not perfect, but she still shares her flowers.  The perfection is in the imperfection. Any of the current behaviors and reactive patterns that you have are a result of preprogramming, from society, family, lineage etc. The amazing thing is that you can reprogram and shift things! But keep it real! No spiritual bypassing or rainbow farting kids.

>> Give yourself permission

Do the thing, go on the date, have a loud wild orgasm, express pleasure, express boundaries, take the steps, love our ever-changing body, ask for the raise. 

What is your soul yearning for right now?

>>Step into our zone of courage and say 'fuck it I'm doing it now.

>>Share!!! Life is your art. Your voice, your expression, your heart, your art. We have been conditioned to believe it is not safe to share. Take the power back, share anyway. We can always improve, and sometimes it’s important to just let things be ‘good enough’ for the sake of sharing our expression and our art.

>>Inform yourself, study, seek out a mentor to support you in your journey and up level. Every space holder needs a space holder, your growth and wellbeing are foundational to a life of abundance and overflow on all levels. Being held & inspired with new information and connection in sisterhood is a GAME CHANGER!! Put your needs in the centre of your life sister. The doors are open for Melissa and my 3 Month Mentorship ‘All of You’. Find out more here.

Flowers don't look at their petals and say "omg your so wonky get back inside"...

It’s time to stop comparing and instead claim our unique beauty. To reframe our relationship with imperfection and fully own our radiance.

"Small ego, step of the way, I’ve got change to make on this beautiful planet”.

Did you know shining is a feminine quality? 

Shakti is the feminine aspect of life force, she is the sparkly shiny aspect, she likes to be adorned with radiance, adored, and witnessed.

Shiva is the masculine aspect and is the conscious, witness, observer. 

For our masculine and feminine to be unified we NEED to shine & to stop playing small.  When we allow the small ego who is addicted to staying meek, mild, humble, small, and unseen to run the show, we are actually in our masculine (cave, hiding, witnessing).  Denying our feminine NEED TO SHINE is detrimental to our relationships and our sense of soul freedom. It’s detrimental to this world that is in dire need of Divine Mothers love. When we play the ‘small game’, by limiting our expression, playfulness, and innate feminine radiance we are in effect perpetuating shadow masculine patriarchal systems that seek to control our sovereignty through suppression. 

Forming a healthy sense of self (ego) is imperative to recognize our gifts & share generously of ourselves.  When we cultivate a beautiful relationship with our own heart & know that the mind is our tool for freedom rather than a dictator that keeps us in a cage, we claim our sovereignty and our freedom

Let's face it, you have adventures to take, lips to kiss, love to make, sunrises to witness, clients to serve, children to raise, leaders to rise up, impact to make in this world that DESPERATELY NEEDS YOU TO SHINE IN ALL OF YOUR UNIQUENESS!!!! 

When we dim our own shine the result is, we often feel unseen & unappreciated. Our sexual attractiveness is dimmed and with it our vital connection with the sacred thread of feminine power that resides within this body temple. Not being seen by those that we love is painful and it aches. But it doesn’t need to be this way, you absolutely can change it, I know because I did it! Every menstrual cycle and moon cycle is an uplevel! And personal growth can be fun and sexy AF!

My Body My Temple ... Art by Autumn Skye Morrison

'My body, My Temple'.

This is the name of this beautiful painting by Autumn Skye Morrison. I chose it for Virgo month on my dream weavers astrology calendar because it represents the path of the temple priestess and the mystery that resides within.

Cultivating a relationship with your body as your temple opens doorways of remembering and restoration.

To freedom, sovereignty, and connection to Divine Mother.

In our 3 month mentorship, we lay out a foundation for sisters to transform their relationship with themselves as women, to shift painful conditioning about who we should be, and instead to relate to ourselves from a place of joy, ease, curiosity, and pleasure!

What’s included in All of you?

Embodiment practices, temple arts, circle, sisterhood, sacred sexuality, menstrual cycle mapping (on a physical and metaphysical level), moon cycles and seasons, archetypes, relationship and communication tools and practices. We only have a few spaces left as we made a choice to have a small circle of 13 women. Your needs are important, we are here to support you to usher in the change your soul is craving.  To be seen, heard, and radiantly in love with yourself as a woman. 

This week has been massive for me personally, with some really big challenges thrown in my direction.  The printers sent me back the artwork on my calendar saying that canva designed art cant be printed in high quality from a professional printer. I didn’t know that. I’ve been creating this calendar on canva (its a design platform) for 4 years now, not knowing any differently. After all of that work, I have been informed I need to do it again in another design platform.  I can't even tell you how fucking gutted I was when I heard about this, I went to bed and cried for a day. 

When I went to sleep I affirmed ‘in the morning I’ll know what to do’ (Subconscious mind hack).

I woke up, did me practises and dropped into my womb and my body. My heart was saying that it's more suffocating to NOT share than it is to wait until my creations are perfect before I share. 

The truth is that perfection is in the eye of the beholder (like beauty) & this Virgo moon is illuminating where the inner critic takes no prisoners.  I am super aware of the ways that perfectionism & all of the ways I sabotage myself with the ‘not good enough’.  (Thank you Virgo!!)

This is all so reflective of life, especially around the things we beat ourselves up about. “I should have known”. Should I? How? I did the best that I could with the information I had. I was undereducated. The critic in my head was such a mean ass bitch. But it’s up to me to listen to those stories, or walk in compassion and kindness.

I sent the calendar off to print under the full moon anyway this morning, yeeeewww!!! I'm super disappointed because now I'm way behind schedule, but this is a powerful choice point where I can shrink or shine.  I choose to shine bebeeee!

The creative power that resides in my womb wanted to create something new for the collective. She wanted beautiful art, a calendar that follows the zodiac signs instead of January, Feb. That honors the equinoxes, solstices, eclipses, that show the moons each day and where I can map my cycle & tap into this rich universal conversation that is happening always!

Cycle mapping is a primary tool to weave us IN to the sacred feminine thread as a collective. To realign with the seasons and cycles, to play with the feminine archetypes and fall in love with being a woman. Committing to these practises shakes a little bit more of the current preprogrammed patriarchal structures off us & empowers us to step more into deeply aligned living as feminine (and masculine) beings who beat with the heart of Divine Mother/Divine Father equally. Should I have stopped that beautiful desire because it’s not perfect and the colors arnt’t gonna pop the way I wanted them to? Fuck no!!! I'm so honored to be co-creating with Autumn Skye Morrison, she is one of my favourite artists. Full power sister.  I know so many homes will be blessed by her potency and mine united in this co-creation… So I’m choosing to be creatively free & do my little piece of sacred rebellion to dismantle a system that is entirely disconnected from the feminine cycles!!! Who’s joining me in this sacred rebellion?!  xxxx

Speaking of sacred rebels. Melissa and I are 2 baddass women who have thrown ourselves into the world of reclaiming our freedom. Our work is a culmination of both of our journeys into sexual freedom and wholeness from abuse and suppression. Together we are each bringing 20 plus years of study and practice of this sacred path of feminine empowerment. We are gifting each sister who joins us with one of these beautiful calendars. Click here to join us.

Thank you for reading!

I’m so grateful for every single Divine Heart here in our sacred woman tribe…

So much love AND rock & roll!

About Jade:: Jade is a feminine energy mentor, channel, yoga teacher, and the creatress of the sacred women mystery school.  Her passion is in helping women break the cycle of over-giving and undervaluing themselves, to claim their worth in the worl…

About Jade:: Jade is a feminine energy mentor, channel, yoga teacher, and the creatress of the sacred women mystery school.

Her passion is in helping women break the cycle of over-giving and undervaluing themselves, to claim their worth in the world and dive into the magick and mystery of womanhood. She is an advocate for sacred feminine leadership and co-creation.

You can find her meandering under the moonlight, shakin what her Mumma gave her it on dusty dance floors at festivals, enjoying friends, family, fires and a shit loads of giggle. She is wooo AF, real, raw, and open in her channeling and facilitation. Her keep it real spirituality is refreshing & honest and her heart of compassion & kindness brings a potent presence to her clients and students alike.

Where they can sit by the fire of ancient wisdom and hear the Great Mothers Love, washing and tending to the wounds that patriarchal structures have left in men and women alike.

She is available for readings, mentoring, workshops and circles both online and in-person on the Sunshine Coast in Australia xxx


Are you a red moon or a white moon woman?


Solstice Blessings