Are you a red moon or a white moon woman?
Beautiful sister thank you for being here, have you ever wondered why your cycle switches from full moon to new moon and in between?
Your womb is in service to your soul’s path, she is shifting in alignment with the information you are receiving and being asked to share. Make yourself a cuppa and let’s sit together. I invite you to come in out of the crazy world out there, to take off your shoes, to sit around the virtual fire that has been burning since the dawn of time, calling us home. Relax & enjoy the wisdom that has been handed down from grandmother to grandmother in the verbal traditions of sacred women's business.
You may have noticed, and perhaps wondered why, sometimes we bleed on the new moon or full moon, with our cycles shifting between the two?
Well, there is a specific conversation happening between your womb, Father Sun, Mumma Earth and Grandmother Moon. For your purpose to be birthed & your sacred path to be illuminated.
Traditionally, the menstruation patterns between full and new moon are called “White Moon” & “Red Moon” bleeding. Your menstruation will attune to both cycles over the course of your life, as well as falling anywhere in between depending on where you are at in your personal journey. (We dive deep into the wisdom these patterns hold in my mentorships and programs). The movement of your body cycles between the full & new moon will be indicative of what is going on in your life energetically.
Your body is always speaking to you, she's your intergalactic telephone!!!
Let’s dive into this wisdom::
The White Moon Cycle
Women ovulating on the full moon and bleeding on the dark/new moon.
When the fertile power of a woman and the full moon coincide, it provides the best conditions for her to express her creative energies in conception.
Since biodynamics has shown that the earth is most fertile during full moons, this cycle is most traditionally linked to fertility and motherhood. If you are a “White Moon” woman, you’ll likely feel a surge in your intuition during your period, and will feel the urge to withdraw for nourishment and self-renewal. In other words, you’re tapped out energetically and have given the month your all, now it’s “you” time.
This White Moon cycle became the cycle known as the ‘good mother’ cycle. Probably because of the focus on procreation, which in the industrial revolution meant, more children, more empires. We see around the world today that this aspect of womanhood is often given supreme recognition and ‘the good wife’ societal projection is forced on us from all angles. We, women, are juggling so much, from an authentic desire to provide a beautiful nest for our family, as well as because of the pressures about the way motherhood should look (we are going to shed some of these layers sisters!). The White Moon cycle is also for our projects, our gardens, our internal replenishment, it creates a rhythm within of deep rest with the darkness of the moon, where we are able to dive deep into the archetype of the wise woman and bring through this wisdom for the coming cycle.
The Red Moon Cycle
When a woman ovulates at the dark moon and bleeds at the full moon.
This cycle shows an orientation away from the energies of procreation and towards inner development, professional development, and our expression in the world.
This cycle was seen by men as more powerful and less controllable, and it became the cycle of the ‘evil’ woman, the seductress, or the ugly witch, whose sexuality was applied to something other than the formation of the next generation. But what if, those of us who are ovulating with the dark moon is birthing foundations for the next generation?What if the desires for change that are burning in our womb is a part of the picture of what is required for the collective growth of humanity?When we are ovulating with the dark moon, seeds of information are being planted into our womb, when the moon is full, we are bleed and pour this information into the earth for her healing and replenishment.Also, if you are ovulating on the dark moon, you will have LOADS more energy for your projects, which is such a gift for women who have creative/entrepreneurial ventures on the go.
Both cycles are true expressions of our feminine energies and neither is more powerful or more correct than the other.
We get to embody it all throughout our lifetime.
How potent is this information? It is vital in so many ways for liberation in our feminine journey, yet this information is often not passed down from woman to woman in the west.
This is why we have created a 3 Month Mentorship in the tradition of the red tent & the temple priestess. This transformational journey is where ancient wisdom nourishes the modern woman so that we can be more effective, empowered, and informed about the ways of womanhood and relationship with the natural world & our communities at large.
We will explore self-care rituals, sacred sexuality, sacred menstruation, and archetypal information that is essential to being a woman of sovereign presence and effectiveness in the world. This is a culmination of centuries of information that has been handed down from woman to woman about the ways of women and the intricacies of their cyclic nature. The passing down of this information was paused in the west, due to the shift into the patriarchal society, the good news is there is a movement sweeping our planet in a resurgence of ancient wisdom practices that nourish, empower and set our life on fire!!
Well, it’s not paused anymore! We are here and we have 6 spaces left for you to come and take your seat by the fire and be held. The yes inside of your soul right now is your true north. And Melissa and I want to support you to have your needs in the center of your life! Hit reply and let’s discuss how we can make this work for you on a financial level, hit reply and lets get this red tent party started. Your sexual freedom, the unfolding mystery of womanhood, this is your birthright sister and we are here to support you to have it all! Coz we know its possible.
As we end this astrological year & I prepare to launch of my 'dream weaver astrology calendar' I wanted to gift it to you for 50% off to show my appreciation for your presence here. Here is the link lovelies, postage is the biggest bit so get your girls together and I will send them in bulk to you wonderous women across the sea's!
The calendar is included in all of you mentorship, so hit reply and let’s do all of the things in one go!
Doooo Deedooooooooooo, so many fun things coming in the mystery school this year ladies! We've got work to do on this beautiful planet and we've got you xx
New Moon Hugs Beautiful!!!
Jadee xx
Find out how to work with me here!!! If you don’t see a time that works for you, what’s app me +61474593520