Real Humans Fuck Up! What then?
Hi Beautiful,
Jadee beaming into your inbox after a much-needed sacred pause. I needed to step back from sharing in my biz and on social media for a bit to reorientate and find my inner compass. There is so much information spinning around the collective right now and I really needed to feel anchored into my unique GPS points of reference before stepping back in with a renewed vision so I can be of service in the most authentic way I can.
I am grateful to say, I’m back and I’m fucking ready for this next wave of collective evolution!!! Sacred Rebel are you with me?
So, what’s this got to do with today’s post? Everything!
I froze in the fear of fucking up.
I was afraid to say the wrong thing, to share untruth, to be hung on the proverbial cross for speaking out (again). I was afraid I would contribute to the divide that is already so heartbreaking to witness unfold. To lose those who I love because of differences of opinion. I was afraid to lose the life I once knew, the society I once knew & I was holding on to.
I needed to grieve, get angry, cry, stay in bed and numb out and get my head around the comfortability of things.
The truth is, fucking up is inevitable! In today’s age of information, how do we know what truth really is? History (his story) is written by the hands of humans and I often wonder which details have been left out. Right now, we are all going through massive nervous system shock as we begin to witness the details that have been left out coming forth and being exposed. And in all honesty, as I witness ‘what has been hidden’ becoming visible, I’ve had some pretty solid moments of doubting my purpose and my role in life in general. I’m a sovereignty advocate and I’m not feeling very sovereign right now, I’m a relationship mentor and I am frozen in fear of losing my loved ones. People are dying and talking about periods and sex? Farrrrrrkkkk!!!!
So I called my beloved friend and mentor Karla Pizzica and we went deep, we cried and leant into each other for support around the question “how do I share my message when there are much bigger problems in the world? It feels so menial in the big scheme of things”.
Obviously, that was a banging conversation full of potency coz it zoomed me into a place of this reframe
“how can I rest peacefully if I do NOT SHARE my message right now?”
The thing is beautiful, we each have a unique thread in our hands. We are each weaving into the new social system that is birthing underneath the noise, and your message, your gifts your dreams, visions, and your contribution are ESSENTIAL right now. In whatever form that takes. For some it is prayer warrioring, for some, it’s front-line work, for some it’s shouting from the rooftops, for some it’s being on stage singing up a storm. One thing I know, we witches are being called!! We are chosen and we chose to be here with this skill set, for this moment in time right now.
So Karla and I want to hold space for you too beautiful. If you are frozen wondering how to step forward in your business, starting, evolving, realigning, re-anchoring, this sisterhood call is for you! Let’s shift some of this cellular fear out of our system, unplug from the matrix and tap into the grid of the badass babes on fire to recreate our social structure from the inside out! Join us here
How do we anchor into our deepest knowing and stand like a wise old tree as the storms rage around us? How do we share our message in a way that is supportive of the new energies being woven on the planet? How do we lead with a softness that is strong as fuck?
Courage is not the absence of fear, but fear walking forward … Susan David
Let’s do this! We are weaving a new earth dream, and we need you to take your seat beside us in strength, softness, and weave magic like never before. Freedom is our birthright and the same energy that creates life in the womb is fucking powerful breathing through us.
Will we fuck up? ABSOLUTELY!
Will we have each other’s back? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY
Will we rise? TRY AND STOP ME
Will we create ways where there seems to be no way? WE ALWAYS HAVE
Pussy power to us! Seriously!
Tell your friends.
Big love xxxx Jadee
Click the image below to join us!
If your needing a more one on one supportive approach click heres the link to book a sovereignty session with me, lets get you tapped in to your now reference points beautiful!