Pisces ~ Tap into the Oracle Within!!
Pisces season begins February 19 beloveds! This means we are being invited into the waters of intuition and womb wisdom. In the medicine woman tarot, the card that rules Pisces is ‘The Grandmothers’ & is ruled by the Moon. Granny!!!!! Granny Moon!
Grandmother moon governs the tides of intuition, emotion, the subconscious mind & feminine cycles. Which means this is the month that we jump into the drivers seat of our life and start driving baby! When pisces season comes around we are being moved us as a collective to new awarenesses through the subconscious mind. Tapping into the subconscious mind & being in the drivers seat of our thoughts is the key to creating our life rather than feeling like life is happening to us.
All that ever was, will be, or is now is contained within my mind
Pisces season teaches us the immense power that lies within our bodies to create the world that manifests before us. Learning how to have conversations with ourselves & truly listen to the 'still small voice within' is key to truly knowing oneself. To truly know oneself, and be able to choose ones internal conversation is the difference between ‘life happening to us’ and ‘being an active participant in life by choice’.
Place your hands on your heart or your womb for a moment as you read these words. Within your body you hold all of the answers to all of the questions you need answering right now. Take a breath and invite the knowledge of the entire universe that resides within to make itself known. Follow your breath and watch it light up pockets of awareness. Thoughts, feelings, images, sounds, songs, these are all the subconscious mind providing clues that open the doorway to deep contentment.
As we calm our minds, learning how to redirect our thoughts with mastery, merging intention and action, choice and free will, we begin to create an environment where our inner answers can become tangibly herd. The doorway to the entire cosmos opens up within us and we become the magic of life itself.
Feminine energy & ancient wisdom teach us that we are the portal of life itself, and that it is our unique responsibility to use our thoughts and our bodies to create the reality that manifests before us. What we think and what we DO in response to this thought determines our experience in the physical reality of tomorrow.
'Trust the body' is the message that comes with the Grandmother Medicine Woman Tarot Card (and the sun sign of Pisces). Our glorious bodies are responding to every single thought, action, interaction that is presented to us during a day. Our body is responding/reacting on a subtle level & gives us feedback through feeling response to show us if a situation is right for us. Your thoughts lay our a blue print, your body tells you what to do moment by moment through feeling response.
Does it feel light and expansive?
We are on track, life is open like a flower, the sun is rising on a path that is light for us.
Does it feel dense and contracting?
We are receiving signs that what we are investing our time, thought and energy into is not aligned with our highest soul's needs.
Can I ask you a few questions?
How much time do you spend over riding your intuitive guidance?
Are you making deals with yourself because of attachment or fear of survival?
I have spent way too much time in my life not listening to my intuitive knowing. Listening to my womb was not a concept that was ever introduced to me until I started to seek for answers as to why I was having such painful and traumatic periods. What I found was a well of wisdom & knowing and I’m beyond excited to assist you to access yours. Sign up for the course here.
YOU my friend are a portal of power, information & wisdom!!!! Your body is an information receptacle. The sun and the moon beam information, through light, into your mind, your body & especially your womb, every moment of every day. The cosmos is guidance you into for your unique life, every moment of every day, how incredible is this. Which is even more reason why its important to learn how to filter information you are receiving and make pro active choices. Life is not happening TO you, its inviting you to jump in the drivers seat and participate WITH it.
You came here with a specific frequency, a radio station that is your soul song. And its time to create room for your voice to be valued and nurtured. Starting with you listening to you beautiful. It is time for us all to listen to the still small voice within and to really receive the guidance being offered.
Thought and Action; Will and Movement, these are the things which re organise your bodies cells. Old cells embodying old idea's die & new cells embodying new idea's are born. You are constantly recreating yourself in your own image.
This statement is both profound and scary all at once. The way we inter react with ourselves determines the person we become tomorrow.
"If nothing is changing, change your mind instead"
Our creative energy is so powerful that it has to go somewhere. If we are not utilizing our gifts, talents & making choices that really direct the stream of our creative energy into the world our body will create excess. This could be in the form of extra body weight, sickness, discomfort, or perhaps an actual human (baby).
When we begin to truly realize how powerful we are to create our world with our thought life, we have unlocked the keys to manifestation & opened the doorway to a creative, free flowing, purpose filled life.
"My body incorporates my wisdom, love & action and expresses in grace".
Check this little spin on words: imagination - image in. What we image in takes creative energy and turns it into form. As we imagine, meditate on and reflect, new knowledge is entering our entire body, our cells & our entire experience therein. Our mental narratives literally become our physical organism (body).
So be radicle! Take up your warrior woman sword & cut away the thoughts & ways of thinking that keep you in limitation. Make the time to meditate observe and reflect, to ask key questions that will help you identify the prison you may have put yourself inside. The door is open, the keys are in your hand, perception is the power that sets us free. (If you are needing assistance with this book a feminine mentoring session)
Our personality has its own desires, as well as the structures & societies ideas about the A-Z steps to success. Many of us have been educated to by pass the body & just push on like a good kid!!! This is detrimental!!! No wonder sickness, burnout and mental health are prolific in our world today. One of the modules in Oracle within is ‘cycle mapping’ which is learning how to create cycles that bring success. Instead of pushing ourselves and burning out striving for success, no bingo! Nature does not strive to bloom a flower, that becomes fruit, it just allows the cycles of the sun, the moon and the elements to be its guide.
Here are some steps to assist you to find a new way of creating your future outcomes without burning yourself into the ground. So you can walk to the beat of your own drum and really deepen your relationship with life itself and hear the voice of guidance within you!
STEPS TO BECOMING A conscious participant in the drivers seat of your life:
The best possible reality for yourSelf
With the idea's that please and inspired you in the conception phase
Health, wealth and happiness as you personally define them. Take wonderful self care steps daily to follow through with how you want to be, think, feel and do.
For that which you hope to manifest. Practicality bebee, write down some preparations for this new phase, perhaps you need to arrange people to help you, or sign up for that course to learn the skills you need to articulate your vision. Hhahahhaaaaa yep sign up here
Creative energy flowing towards that which you want to produce. Tap a powerful core & use it.
The mind with success stories that turn you on. Open to other peoples wisdom, ask questions, enquire, read. Open yourself to the culture & age you most identify with. Atlantean? Pleiadian? Middle Ages? Renaissance? The Fairy Kingdom? Ancient Cultures? Modern Funk? The Bohemian Dream? Biz King/ Queen Chick? Nomad Gypsy God/dess? Go there with your thoughts, allow fantasy to take you there, let your inner being become aroused to remember all that is available in this infinite universe of possibility.
To the Gods/Goddess's that you are drawn to, that evoke the qualities that you are drawing into your life. Know that all of these universal blue prints are within you as well, tapping into your inner wisdom means tapping into the infinite well of consciousness that is available to you.
8. ACT
On the impulses that come that put you closer to your goal. Action through your body is the final processor of your creative mind. Doing is the birthing experience.
The creation is real, the idea has become flesh, our Spirit is embodied. Relax and Enjoy!!!
Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her, & those who will come after her. Christine Northrup.
Lets take a moment to honour our Grandmothers, to remember them...
Both our physical and our Spiritual Grandmothers...
Eliza Jane Cavanaugh & Marjory Mason, I am so eternally blessed to carry your wisdom in my body, to carry the torch for this lineage and share what you birthed on this planet with future generations... Both through my body and my words here, I honour you both, with every cell of my being... Thanks for the good looks, the sass & the cute ass!!! For teaching me not to take shit from anyone, to walk with grace and confidence, to be a prayer filled woman who takes it to the sacred chamber of my heart first. Thank you for teaching me to be compassionate and kind & to choose the life that I want to live... Thank you for gifting me my mum and my dad... Blessed be your wombs and all of the wombs of those who come after us...
This is my Granny Eliza, mums mum…. My womb was formed in mums womb when she was in Granny Eliza’s womb… How cool is that?! Love you Granny, thanks for the celtic gifts xxx
For my Grandmothers in Spirit, the woman who inspired the medicine woman tarot, Carole Bridges, I cannot even begin to thank you enough for this gift that has changed my life and reminded me of lifetimes worth of wisdom I had forgotten. Your words woo me to share this gift with others, to keep on passing on this wisdom to the younger sisters who are coming through and stepping into their medicine woman path. Thank you for being courageous to dream the dream and take action on your visions. I love you sister, I wholeheartedly accredit you for the gift of this work, and thank you with my entire being. May your days be blessed through all lifetimes!!!
Vanessa, my yogic sister and mentor, I feel to honour you, as you are my grandmother in self care, in sharing the path of yoga, you believed in me when I didn't believe in myself and always showed me how to rise through your shine, and your action.. I adore you and am eternally grateful for you from the core of my being.
And to all of the Grandmothers who have been tending to the sacred woman fire since the beginning of time, calling us home to the wisdom within, from the deepest part of me... Thank you xxxxxx
Deepest love, Jadeeee... Thanks for reading!