A Prayer For The Mothers

Its Mothers Day in Australia, I am reflecting on the Mother in all women, in all beings. The fabric of the Mother who calls us to remember that she is powerful and creative, regenerative and fierce. SHE is the answer to replenish that which is broken, SHE never turns away from her children. SHE who is unconditional love, a place of sanctuary for the entire universe. For those of us who practise earth based spirituality, every day is a day to honour the mother. I wanted to share a prayer with you today. And to honour the Mother in all women. You who are creating, you are mother, you who are dreaming a new world into being and offering your gifts to be of service, you are mother.

Happy Mothers Day :: I see you xxx Jadee


To the Mother principal I bow.

To the Mother Archetype in all beings I stand in awe.

She who lights up the night sky and lights a silvery path showing us the perfection of natures cycles and the gift of life, death, rebirth. Grandmother Moon I love you.

She who blossoms in Spring. Who Nourishes and Orgasms and Provides in Summer. Who yields harvest and surrenders herself to the let go in Autumn. She who faces death and the return to nothingness in Winter.

I bow to the Mother who provides all of my needs, she who I came to serve & commune with Gaia, Mother of all. Every day I am awed by the privilege of walking in harmony with such an absolutely supremely stunning, abundant and loving sentient being as you my Earth Mother Gaia Ma.

To the Cosmic Mother who flicks her hair and send comets shooting through the sky. To the Asteroid Mothers who hold the fabric of the feminine in their expression

To the Lioness Mother who walks with ferocity and courage even when she is scared as fuck in this crazy ass world. Having the courage to walk in awe and wonder even in the midst of destruction and chaos.

To those who Martyred themselves so we can have the freedom we have today, who stood in the front lines to leave a legacy of freedom for the sons and daughters who came after them. To the Mothers who were victimized and still rise to greet the new day and to create art from their pain.

To the Primal Mother who is the force of creativity and life itself, who dances with consciousness to create this beautiful interplay of lovemaking we call life.

To my Mother of Birth Margaret Mason, you are by far the woman I respect and admire most, I bow before the woman you are and the gift of life you have graced me with through your womb. What a beautiful nourishing womb you created my body with, thank you.

To the Mother within myself who has created many smiles on many faces, songs that bring joy & connection, remembrance and freedom through my my soul gifts that I am privileged to share with generosity. To my womb that has the power to create the MY LIFE and my purpose. And to the work that has birthed through me over these years of deep decent into plutonium mystery "The Womb Spiral Methodology"

I stand in awe of this creation of my soul and am so honored to prepare to share with the world. And to the first Mothers, those who still keep the sacred woman fire burning calling us home. I bow Thank you Great Mother, May you be seen, valued and respected in the hearts of all beings. May all beings experience creative freedom, happiness, and know the path of the Divine Connection with You xxxx


YOUR WOMB IS THE ALCHEMIST in your Relationships