Blessings beloved xx

Iā€™m so honoured that you have invited me into the lounge room of your life, thank you.  I value your privacy so we wont be passing on your details to any 3rd parties or banking up your email with daily hustle of products.  What I WILL do is keep you updated in the ways of the Sacred Woman through inspired writings, through sharing sacred practices that are being offered by facilitators in the Sovereign Woman Temple, workshops and sisterhood !  

I intend to celebrate life with you & hopefully bring inspiration, information and connection to empower you to continue to connect to and expand into the true essence of you!! 


Just a couple of things before you go beauty:


Copy and past my email and add me to your contacts so you dont miss any of this juicy Fem Goodneess 


In the meantime if you havn't already, come over and join us in the Sovereign Woman Tribe face book Group


We are so looking forward to meeting you soon !! xxx

Peace out, rock N roll and Namaste!!!!


Jade xx

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