Tarot Reading For Libra Season

Creating Harmony

Lady Libra of Justice, Balance & Harmony

a tarot spread to create more magick and more peace in your world

Working consciously with archetypes within astrology and the zodiac signs is a powerful way to deepen into magic and your relationship with the universe.  In Libra season we have the opportunity to really tap into the frequencies that Libra offers.  One of which is harmony and man o man do we need harmony in our worlds right now!!! I channelled a little spread for you, my ladies, for you to practise with your own tarot or oracle deck.

When the world goes wonky donks, and shit is upside down, round and round, we weave harmony.  Because we witches and wisdom keepers know that shit being shaken up for a reason. The current matrix needs to fall.   Understanding our position in the universe of things is super important, because we are either affected by, or choosing our response to this current shit show!  What we can influence are our own little pockets of the world. 

Press Play Below to listen or get your journal/cards/book of shadows out and lets begin


Take a moment to tune into the Wisdom of the Grandmothers, to your breath, heart and womb and ask the question.

What do I need to know to create more peace & harmony in my world?

1, 2, 3 or 4?

::Libra New Moon Spread::

New Moon Tarot Spread.  Tarot Spread for Harmony.  Libra.  Moon.  Balance.

Card Number 1:

What energy do I need to practice to connect with the Lady Libra of Harmony?

Asking which energy I need to connect to is like asking what pocket of consciousness your going to play with. Because the theme for this reading is Harmony, the card that you pull here represents the energy you are playing in to create more harmony in your world this month.

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Card Numer 2 ::

What Element do I need to work with to create more harmony?

What is the ruling element in the card you have chosen? Think about what your relationship with this element is, how can you step into further mastery of air, fire, water, earth? Perhaps work spells to strengthen your relationship with these elements. To hear an example of how I do this reading click the play below.

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Card Number 3::

What message are my ancestors wanting to share with me for this current lunation?

This card carries a specific message from your ancestors that will assist you in nurturing harmony in your inner world. As above so within. First, we must nurture harmony in our inner world, for it to show up in the outer realms.

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Card 4::

What is in the way?

What mindset do I need to shift so that I can truly live a harmonious life? This card will show you where you may have created/inherited beliefs that are holding you back from true and deep inner peace and harmonic resonance. This might also represent any habits/addictions/patterns that are ready to be shed so you can have a relationship with yourself that you’re proud of!! If you need help and would like to book a reading click here

Here’s the Cards I Pulled for the Libra Moon Cycle

Card Number 1:: The guidance here is to work magic of restoration?

Restoring balance in the inner and outer world through work/life/play/spiritual practice will open up rivers of restoration. Mastering the balance of giving and receiving, teaching and sharing of skills through delegation. AKA ‘asking for help’. It's time for you to restore balance by checking in and recognizing where you may be overworking and over giving. It's really important at the moment that you embody your channeled ideas. Lots of ideas are coming through and it's really important that you're embodying these ideas by taking actions. To get it into your body temple ~ dance, make love walk, make art make talismans make a garden, whatever you need to bring it all down and through.

Many of us are being asked to give birth to new projects right now. If you've chosen number one, this is a yes!!!

Embodying that which has been floating around in your head.

So I want to ask you a question. How can I bring more comfort into the world around me? Through the gifts and the desires and the passion that is burning inside of me? How can I use this to bring more peace and comfort into my world and to the world around me? This card is asking you to create beauty to support love.

Knowing that wealth follows your bliss. So the bliss of saying yes to your heart's desire to create, then stepping forward in the embodiment. Wealth will follow!

This is about you Supporting what you love by saying yes to it.

It is offering your service to others and knowing that as you do this, you're offering your service to Mother Earth as well.

Within you is the power to replenish the world. So this dream, this vision, this thing that's in your heart. This is an absolute Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. To really stepping forward, replenish through the source. Let your intuition guide you.

You have manifested qualities, go for it. Get juicy, Be courageous, step forward, replenish, the source within you is more than capable to absolutely blessing your life.

Card Number 2: The question is, what element Do I need to work within this lunation.

The Card is the Lovers Card, ruled by Mercury and Gemini card and the ruler of the third house. The element that you are needing to work with is the element of the air. . Mercury, retrograde in Libra. We are re-visiting themes around communication in relationships. Of course, communication starts with the conversation that you're having with yourself. Your internal dialogue, the way that you may or may not be interpreting other people's actions and nonactions are all being brought to light right now.

There could be need for boundaries. Gemini is about communication. So this is about refining your skills and equipping yourself. Intuition meets articulation. The balance of the masculine and feminine within you.

Refashioning your thoughts and recognizing that your body is the sacred pipe through which spirit breathes life. Your body is that vessel of peace, you are the one and you are the magic wand.

Mercurial energy is the energy Venus has been embodying the archetype of Gemini. Venus in Gemini is the yummy, juicy butterfly queen who flies and shares her her beauty and the essence of the the magic of the caterpillar becoming the butterfly.

It's the transformation & it's uncomfortable. The caterpillar is no longer who it used to be. And so part of the process of the butterfly finding its wings is actually to, to struggle and to and to fight its way out of the chrysalis. After the struggle, that moment of really letting itself die.

Weaving with the air, we're bringing it in, we're calling it in, it's, it's the dawn, it's the freshness of the maiden energy, it's the waxing moon. So those of you who chose number two, you're being called to uplevel your communication skills, to deepen your relationship with spirit to breathe in through the temple of your body. Mercury can be super heady, especially in Gemini. It's like this incredible amounts of intelligence. So I encourage you to find ways of expressing your air through dancing and movement and lovemaking and sounding. Let the sound of what is wanting to breathe through you to come through.

Card Number 3: What are the key teachings of the ancestors asking me to embody?

What are the ancestors wanting to breathe through me? And so I've chosen the King of Wands for this. Knowing that you are well expressed human. In card number 2, we gleaned the information and the skills we needed. And in this one, this is an affirmation that you're ready to teach. You are at the stage where you've called in the information, you've got this really rich wisdom to you, and you're ready to teach.

You are a keeper of the mysteries, you are ready to pass on knowledge. This is a card of completion, you're being asked to honor what is ending right now. Honoring what is ending so that the new beginning can birth itself. This is about committing to walking the beauty way

“I walk with beauty within me, I walk with beauty behind me, I walk with beauty in front of me, I walk with beauty above me, I walk with beauty below me, I walk with beauty beside me, I am the beauty path, I am the beauty way.

Beauty as an inside job, beauty itself is breathing in and through you. It's time for you to hand the wand of knowledge on so that others can benefit from the gifts you have gleaned on your journey.

I invite you to really deeply go into gratitude practice gleaning from the harvest of your internal garden. At the Fall Equinox in the harvest season and we're giving thanks for all of the fruit that we've yielded and getting ready for the death and the depth of the winter. Reflection and gratitude, allowing this mini death to complete itself. Grieve wholeheartedly for what was. Be courageous with what is. As this beautiful, amazing essence that you get to bring with you in its new form when the new season begins, it's a life well expressed is the energy in this card, and it is absolutely beautiful that you are not your journey, you have a journey, you are not your past you have a past you are not a has-been or a once was. You are vital in the here and now. The energy shed and expressed blesses future generations.

A self well expressed is a self that is art.

Be born again in the future of your own creation.

Card 4 :: What mindset Do I need to shift?

King of Pentacles. This is the card of understanding that you're at the end of a journey. It's similar to the energy of what are the ancestors asking me to remember. When we zoom out of this, we can see that right now, it's easy to get really bogged down in the energetics of money and what's happening and what's not happening on the planet. In its shadow, this card can be quite debilitating, it can become like the miser, thinking “I've got to hang on to everything” and freaking out. This card is asking for you to step into the highest octave of your journey with the earth element of earth. Understanding that all provision comes from Divine Mother Father. As this matrix is provide is crumbling we are being encouraged to come back to the really simple things like grow a garden, tune into Mother. Nourishment is available, coming back to simplicity, to community, really weaving a life for ourselves, grassroots. Because that's what we can rely on. And so the message is to do your best to not freak out about the how's and the whys.

Really to step back and lean into the vision in your heart, then take action.

So this is now where we where we bring it all together. If you are worried about money, this card is affirming you don't need to worry about money. The universe is your provider. All we have to do is look at mother nature to see that everything around us comes from guy's body, everything, all of the food and the shelter and everything comes from her.

So when we tap into this incredible wisdom of the universe, then we can really begin to deepen our relationship with what abundance truly is and work with the element of Earth. Plant the seeds, water the garden, wave with the air, the water, the fire, the Earth Return return return we're being asked to return.

When we bring all of this energy of the entire reading together, we now have knowing that in order to create harmony, I need to practice the energy. By tapping into the frequency of Libra Lady of Harmony, I need to practice restoring balance. The element I need to work with is air being inspired up leveling my skills. The message the ancestors are breathing through us is remembering that now is the time to pass on our knowledge and to embody our yes. To let what is dying die in the matrix and in our personal lives as well. Because we're all realizing the things that we need to shed and let go off. And the mindset that we need to shift is stressing about money stressing about this fabricated matrix that we have been conditioned to believe is our provider, it is not our provider.

Our communities are our heart, our skills, our love for each other, our earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky. So this is where we get to see what might be in the way and a step back from stressing out on the “How to” and to really anchor in and let yourself be the body of prayer. Because a self well expressed is art, my beautiful friends. I love you so much. May Libra of Lady harmony guide your path as we move through this next lunation as we navigate the terrain of sun, Mercury and Mars all in Libra. We really do have so many beautiful things to look forward to.

If anybody needs a reading you can book in with me anytime here.

Peace out rock and roll.

Keep your spiritual hygiene practices on point.

Don't forget to laugh at the crazy wild, messy human pieces.

Were not here to be perfect, my friends.

We are here to have a wild and passionate ride and to be intimate with the universe.

So don't take yourself too seriously bebeee xxxx

Big Love


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::Phat Chats w Melissa & Jade ::