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Full Moon & Lions Gate Ceremony

Activate Your Hidden Gifts!! 

6:30AM Wednesday 9th August Australia ~ 1:30PM Tuesday 8th August PST 

The lions gate is a manifestation portal where we have the opportunity to amplify our gifts, intentions (past present and future) and collective dreaming.  Combined with the partial lunar eclipse the door is wide open to release that which is limiting so we can get on with being our unlimited, infinite light being self!!!    Between 8th and 12th we have a powerhouse of opportunity!!! 

Some of us are going through a really tough time, as the cosmic bodies have come together to create a massive boom of personal and collective expansion, change and growth.  This can be so full on!!!  We are being fast tracked to where we need to be.... It seems that duality and the dance of consciousness and unity is indeed a choice right now, it takes concerted focus to really say yes to letting go of the old and bringing in the new.  Courageous choice and focus on what we do want to create.  Which is why we are offering ceremony so that we can collectively shift gears ... Many of us are at a pivotal moment in our lives, we have the choice to step in and up into our gifts and shine or to continue to live the stories of the past & stay in limitation and the pain body.  These powerful waves of light (consciousness) are accelerating this process, to lets make the most of it... 

On the lions gate the earth aligns with the galactic centre, and teams up with the star Sirius opening a bridge between the physical and the spiritual worlds here on earth.  Sirius is currently bathing the earth in power and opening us up to our highest potential through new streams of consciousness...  Showering us with the light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution... Time to tap into our limitless nature ladies!!!!

We are creating our reality through the stream of consciousness that we are choosing to engage with in our thoughts and perceptions and the stories we are telling ourselves.  While being bathed in the light of the sun in leo, which rules the heart centre, we have the opportunity to really heal old wounds and step into forgiveness..... We are all unique expressions of the Divine, in physical form & this lions gate portal is an invitation to meet ourselves in this sacred place, saying 'hell yes' to the Divine woman/man within.   

Within each of us are hidden/latent gifts we have not yet recognized, within each of us, our DNA holds keys to our unlimited and very powerful nature.  As the surge of light occurs on the lions gate between 8th and 12th August,  that which is laying dormant/asleep in our energy field will be activated and reawakened via the high frequencies being sent from the Gallactic core and the Sirius star system.   The ancient sites on the planet will be activated along with intentions/prayers (past present and future) that have been infused in the crystal grids on earth...  Read more here


To prepare:

  • Spend time journalling, write down old habits/ways of behaving/beliefs/contracts that no longer serve you.  If its time to let go of attachments give yourself permission to be free.
  • Take some time to ponder your lineage, your DNA inheritance, what gifts are in your DNA that you may not have given yourself permission to open up to?  
  • This ceremony is a merging of our ancient gifts with cosmic light codes... We are going to create space, to let go, to forgive, and then we are going to activate our gifts.... 
  • Bring Candle, smudging tools, crystals, water, oil (to massage yourself with this month)



Sign up for the ceremony here, and I will email you details for circle














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