Why is our world so sexually and emotionally lacking when it comes to our most beautiful means of interacting, human sexuality? The ability to put in a boundary and consent to what is truly in alignment with us is the most essential of all erotic skills. Do you feel skilled/equipped/able to say “no” when you need to?
What is a boundary?
And what exactly is consent?
And why are these two key factors the missing link in empowered sexuality and intimacy today? Both in committed partnership and dating
As important as consent is, we don’t talk about it enough. So it’s understandable if you’re a little unsure about what it is – and what it isn’t. Most of us were never really taught how to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ with clarity and we’ve had to learn how to negotiate our way through this on our own.
For some of you this may seem strange to even ask. But I am not alone when I say it was not until I was in my mid 30''s before I even knew what a boundary was.
Time and time again when we hold our women's circles this question comes up.
What is a boundary and how do we maintain them?
These are also essential life skills that sadly, most of us haven’t had a chance to learn.
Recently Melissa posted a video expressing her passion on this subject. The response has been overwhelming! SO many women asking for more information and for a revolution to begin in the raising of our children in the school system.
We would I would like to see the school system be removed completely from all sexual and menstrual education rights, simply because they are severely lacking in sufficient education and empowerment for our children. But as they have most of our children for the majority of their formative yrs, then we need to create the solution from the inside.
Melissa even received a message form a teacher in a middle school in the US saying that even though many of her students dealing with STD''s, she is forbidden by law to talk to them about it.
We have been raised in this stagnant shadow filled society that insists we are kept in shame and questioning around our sexuality. AND what that creates is a complete lack of information, misinformation and the fear of our actions. This is a set up for complete disaster.
This is where we find ourselves in trouble.
Whilst it is deemed incredibly important we know the history of war it is not deemed that important that we learn about boundaries & consent. This in a short few words is down right dangerous. And as most of you know it puts us into very dangerous situations.
And it brings us to our adult years where we are still navigating this subject .
On a daily basis.
Megan Gilron, Melissa Louise and Jade Mason are holding a Boundaries & Consent Online Workshop on September 24th.
( see Megan's bio below )
This workshop will be held on Zoom so that you can participate in the class no matter where you are in the world. If your time zone does not allow you to join, or something comes up last minute, the class will be recorded and sent to you. We will be sending the class to everyone so that you have it to re visit when ever you want to.
This workshop and incredibly important conversation will be a needle mover in your growth and understanding of yourself as a sexual being in this world. This will be a safe and conscious environment where you will have the chance to ask questions. Where we have the opportunity to have the boundaries education that we didn’t receive at school. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
Monday September 24th
7.30pm PST
12.30pm NSW AU ( Tuesday 25th )
Registration: $55 (Canadian $)
Paypal or e transfer.
We are so honoured to be bringing this to you.