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Venus Rose Circle :: Activation Gateway 5 :: She Puts on Her Lapis Necklace & Arms herself with Softness

This month's Venus Rose Circle falls on the crescent moon activation gateway Wednesday 8th of September..

Venus and Lunar join hands in the the archetypes of Lady of Justice and the Earth Alchemist.

This is the 5th chakra gateway where Venus puts on her laps necklace representing authentic speech and softness of heart.

There is a time to fight and a time to stand. The scales of balance in the collective are tipping and we are being called to speak universal truth from a place of softness.

The throat chakra and the yoni are intimately linked. Women carry cellular memory of being silenced and punished for speaking up and for some of us that memory is being stirred up contributing to fight, flight, freeze or faun nervous system response.

My ladies, Right now is NOT a time to be silent, now is a time to speak with soft authority that is filled with so much love and potency that we are herd on a multi dimensional level.

Let me introduce you to Raaaaaa girl, she's feisty, she proud, she's not afraid to call people out and she's worked fucking hard on her Sass to get where she is today... But her throat character is over stimulated and when she speaks people misunderstand her because of the raaaaa...

She often protects passive girl, who doesn't speak up, is uncertain of herself and terrified to cause a disruption to the peace. Her throat character is under active and she keeps losing herself around big opinions and personalities.

Both Raaa Girl and Passive girl are being called to put on the Lapis Necklace of embodied and authentic expression. To stand in her sovereign domain and make a stand for the future generations.

I'll be leading us in song to connect us with our voice, so please carve out space where you can be alone, set up your sacred space, your new moon alter items, any instruments you would like around you to use and a place where you can be in the silence of your own space where I can guide us to open and balance our authentic expression in the sanctuary of your own home and Sisterhood.

We will begin circle with a sound activation and guided embodiment practise connect us with Venus in Libra through our throat and sacred pussy gateway. Then pass the talking stick around to share be witnessed and seen.

It's been a fucking intense month!! With our voices, we prayer softness into the waters we weave in the light codes, we awaken our feminine crown and we open up the floodgates to prepare ourselves for the next lunation in Virgo and Venus moving into Scorpio...

Libra holds the balance... Between Raaa girl and passive girl... Its time to stand strong in our authentic self , to live our prayer and weave our world..

See you in circle xxx please click the link below to secure your seat

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Lunar Rhythmic Woman Weekly Yoga Class

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Venus Rose Circle :: She puts on her crown