Virgo ~ You are the Priestess
Ahhh Virgo, the celestial virgin. Did you know that a virgin is a woman unto herself? No, she is not a woman who has not been penetrated sexually, a good little girl who is saving herself for a man because that's what the church is preaching!! She is a woman who is owned by no man/woman, her focus is on being a clear vessel through which celestial energies can flow in service to collective consciousness, freedom, universal wisdom teachings & the return to unity through reembodying the feminine cycles as a way of being. She chooses her path and does not allow her entanglements with others to impact her channel of clarity. Her intergalactic telephone to the Divine through her vagina is her own and she owns her pleasure!... Yes, her sacred pussy belongs to her and her alone & if she chooses to share her, she does!
Ahhh Virgo, the celestial virgin. Did you know that a virgin is a woman unto herself? No, she is not a woman who has not been penetrated sexually, a good little girl who is saving herself for a man because that's what the church is preaching!! She is a woman who is owned by no man/woman, her focus is on being a clear vessel through which celestial energies can flow in service to collective consciousness, freedom, universal wisdom teachings & the return to unity through reembodying the feminine cycles as a way of being. She chooses her path and does not allow her entanglements with others to impact her channel of clarity. Her intergalactic telephone to the Divine through her vagina & her womb is her own and she owns her pleasure!... Yes, her sacred pussy belongs to her and her alone!
Here we enter the realms of the Priestess, the one who is the gatekeeper to the temple of your soul & your most vital energy. In the medicine woman tarot the card that rules Virgo is the ‘Guide’. It is no coincidence that the Priestess is one who guides her family, her community and the collective back to living in harmony with the cycles of the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the sky. Learn how to connect more with the way earth in her cycles & your body… Get my free lunar planner here
She is the one who guides us to live a pleasure-filled life, to change our vocabulary from ‘should to could’ from ‘outside to inside’ and start living our lives from a place that is soul lead rather than striving on the wheel of survival.
While our beloved sun is in Virgo we are being invited to ask the question
“Am I defining myself by what I DO? or am I embodied in my sense of BEING?”
We currently live in a world where we are being constantly bombarded with the next thing that we need to achieve or obtain to be ‘enough' (even in the spiritual community). Newer, better, faster, stronger, it’s fucking exhausting!!!! How can we possibly ever feel enough when being enough is defined by what we DO and the marker moves just when you feel like you have almost reached it?! This erroneous way of living has overtaken our ability to feel connected to who we really are and now we have an epidemic of people who are lost, lonely and numb hiding behind titles, trophies, social status, goals and plans.
So how do we begin to make the jump from human doing, to human being?
Change what defines you.
There is a profound truth in this universe, that life is energy, it cannot be reversed or destroyed. My friend, YOU are energy, which means you are an eternal being. This means that your true work is on the inside. Beauty is an inside job, perfection is an inside job, success is an inside job. These are the only things you will take with you when you leave this life, the ones that money cannot buy. To know freedom is to know that your life is your gift and your choice and you can’t get it wrong, you can just improve it by making different choices, to leave a legacy that is waaaay more valuable than gold. The legacy of your being, being connected to life, being courageous, being kind, being the light in the darkness, being powerful to say 'no more' when the crazy bit giant companies want to rape and pillage our earth and put gas lines in her waterways.
What legacy are you leaving behind? What will the generations after you say about the person (being) that you are today?
The ‘GUIDE’ card is also the ‘HERMIT’ card in some decks, *the hermit within you is hidden away in the dark recesses of your being waiting for the guide to light the way on the path to the Great Being *. There is a great teacher within you, a guide, a priestess, a seer that knows things that your conscious mind has long forgotten. Are you ready to call hir forward? As the sun graces us with the information (through light codes) we are being encoded in the very fabric of the priestesses return. We are being invited, urged, to take the climb up the mountain into our Great Being.
The Guide card is number 9 in the tarot, 9 is the number of completion. When we arrive in Virgo we have completed a cycle, we have created a foundation (remember the seed in the wind in Aquarius?) We have planted the seed, gathered the resources, sought wisdom and guidance about the next step to take (Pisces), relished in the bounty of Mother Earths provision, taken command to take action (Aries) (maybe you booked into that course, or started your biz, or booked that trip?) We made courageous choices to bring more peace into our lives in Taurus, embodied the gift of conscious communication & sacred union in Gemini, we stood firm in what we believe, knowing that we are the warrior king/queen we took control of our emotions and redefined our true success in cancer, we had our ass kicked during the eclipse season & experienced deep healing (Leo) and now we have a full power foundation from which to complete this phase of our journey. To take the hand of the guide and be lead into the true essence of our being, where we can rest in the gift of simply being. What foundations have you created in recent months that you can now build the next phase of your life from? Perhaps you have been learning from the school of hard knocks, but your learning honey and there is GOLD in there!
Perhaps this completion is a feeling of knowing that home is the temple within you, where you go to meet with the entire universe. A drawing within to be nourished, to drink deeply of the Well of Divine Inspiration. *Your goal has become intimacy with Source, and you know that you and the Great Being are one.* A wave of supreme security has washed over you as you enter into the greatest romance you will ever embark on.
Take a moment to reflect upon the books, people, guidance, divine appointments (often called coincidence) that have occurred this year? Have you been listening to the message in the gifts that have come your way? Can you see a thread woven into your life?
*In simplicity and humility your essence of true being dwells. You will feel hir calling you there.*
What is stopping you from answering the call?
What is your mind telling you needs to be done right now? Simply write a quick list, so you can get to it later. Take 10 mins (10 hrs if you can!) and follow the call into simplicity, there you will find true rest. There you will find the wisdom, there you will find the priestess, dripping with the sacred nectar of the Divine Feminine. She sings the songs of the moon, relishes in the medicine of the plants, enjoys orgasmic bliss, feels the kiss in the wind and the wetness of the waters of life between her thighs. She knows that her womb is the portal to the entire universe, and her pleasure is her gateway there.
She stands at the door and knocks…. Do you hear her? Will you answer her call?
Need some help? Book in for a reading with me here sista!
Take one step today. Give yourself permission to seek Great Being(ness) with all of your heart.
This is your legacy dear one, this is your heart xxxx
** Content marked with an *is a quote from Carol Bridges in her workbook 'The Medicine Woman Tarot' I am eternally grateful for this beautiful woman and the way she has changed my life through the medicine woman tarot.
** Hir is a non-gender term for him or her, these posts are feminine in nature but not exclusive to women only. We are all beings on a journey together & this space is for all beings who are drawn to bathe in the river of ancient feminine wisdom.