Sexual Empowerment

Virgo ~ You are the Priestess

Virgo ~ You are the Priestess

Ahhh Virgo, the celestial virgin.  Did you know that a virgin is a woman unto herself?  No, she is not a woman who has not been penetrated sexually, a good little girl who is saving herself for a man because that's what the church is preaching!!  She is a woman who is owned by no man/woman, her focus is on being a clear vessel through which celestial energies can flow in service to collective consciousness, freedom, universal wisdom teachings & the return to unity through reembodying the feminine cycles as a way of being.  She chooses her path and does not allow her entanglements with others to impact her channel of clarity.  Her intergalactic telephone to the Divine through her vagina is her own and she owns her pleasure!... Yes, her sacred pussy belongs to her and her alone & if she chooses to share her, she does!