Jade Mason Jade Mason

Libra ~ Creating balance and harmony in your inner and outer worlds

When Grandmother Moon Aligns with Father Sun in Libra they are uniting in their quest to bring awareness to what needs to be brought into balance in our lives. We are being invited to experience balance & harmony in our relationship with all aspects of our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual life.

Libra is an air sign, which is the element of the mental body, of inspiration, expansion, the big picture (meaning all of the options/angles are taken into account in the presence of air).  The scales of balance (libra) and the element of air bring us creative solutions to inner/outer quandaries… If we can zoom out and look at things from all points of view, by putting ourselves in the others shoes, then we can find solutions to problems with the objective and co operative approach that is inspired by the element of air.  We  are then able to respond to situations with intelligence & reason rather than habit and reactivity. Through this practice of compassion  balance and harmony becomes our refuge and we are able to transform difficulties and challenges for the sake of the big picture, which of course when in libra, is balance and harmony.  

This is great new right?! After spending our previous month in the energy of virgo, which can often be very perfectionistic and nitpick (especially towards ourselves), we now have the opportunity to expand our vision to encompass a more social, global, community mindset.  This starts by balancing our inner and outer worlds of physical/practical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  If every person on the planet took responsibility for their own balance our world will be a conscious balanced and healthy place to live~! Yeah! Lets weave this dream…

Starting with me and you… I have prepared a little exercise to help you identify where you are out of balance and create new beginnings!!! 

To begin lets identify where we are out of balance…. Perhaps you have been so focused on your relationship with others that you have not been looking after yourself? Maybe you have lost/squashed/suppressed yourself for love to keep your lover? Perhaps its the other way around, you may have been so focused on yourself that you are feeling out of touch with the world around you? Have you been so focused on your goals & problem solving that you have neglected your self care? Is your work life ruling you?  Are you obsessed with your looks and the way the world see’s you?

Take a moment, grab yourself a pen and paper or even better your journal… Write down 4 categories



This includes work, commitments, practical responsibilities, fitness, health, routine, career, finance, sex life


This includes your thought life, your focus, are you conscious/unconscious? Are you anxious? Depressed? Maybe you need to meditate more, or see a hypnotherapist to learn how to work with your mind


This includes your heart, your feelings, are you listening? Are you living in fear of what you are feeling?  Are you reliving old stories that need to be healed? Are you holding your heart closed to your beloved? Are you too busy to allow yourself to feel your emotions? Are you reactive/responsive? Suppressing/resisting/denying because you feel out of balance?  The temple of your heart is calling you home to an experience of expansion and love, where the presence of true love casts away all fear, where you are safe, and held and loved and nourished.


Are you trying to do everything on your own and forgetting to ask for assistance?  Perhaps you can’t remember the last time you prayed? Maybe your yearning for rituals and ceremony? to bring the sacred into your daily life but don’t know how to? Have you forgotten you are a spiritual being having a human experience? Maybe its time to do a course to re align with this aspect of yourself? Perhaps you are craving the spiritual side of sexuality & play?


Under each heading write down where you are out of balance…. Take your time, maybe make a cup of tea, poor some vino, burn some candles and incense, reconnect with you beautiful one (men are beautiful too btw if you are a man reading this).  See you soon…. 


How did you go?  Did you notice there are some area’s you are out of balance that you may not have considered before giving yourself this time?  Congratulations!! This is the first step in recreating your life,  the way you want it!  Taking the time to actually listen is a rare commodity for most of us! Until Libra comes along! YaaaHooo!


Just a note to be aware of: So many of us argue with ourselves when we listen, we make compromises and tell ourselves that we should or shouldn’t do that/want that/need that.  I encourage you to acknowledge what ever is coming up for you, uncensored!  Just because you write it down doesn’t mean you have to act on it yet… Just listen lovely one…  When you can accept your inner world, the way you are right now, your life will begin to feel lighter and more expansive.  


Now I want to have a little check in with you…

This is “keep it real spirituality”, if we can’t be honest with ourselves then who can we be honest with?

If you have not been looking after yourself then to put yourself in another’s shoes is clearly what you do naturally, and maybe this is perpetuating your experience of imbalance?  So I encourage you to put yourself in your own shoes, to invite balance into your inner world by changing your focus from outside to inside…. Write yourself a self care plan, or you can download the one I have written here… 


If we have been letting our quest for survival, fame, fortune or accomplishment rule our lives then your probably needing to balance your time better.  Whats the point in the empire with a burnt out body, compromised relationships and no energy?  

Use the gifts of libra to create balance and harmony.  Moon in Libra, Sun in Libra, Libra Season.  Balance, Sensuality and Beauty


During the Libra new moon we have a wide open portal to assist to re write the way we would like to interact with others and ourselves, from a balanced prospective.  How would you like to experience your life?


Take some time to write yourself a new contract, get clear about your new way of interacting with life, yourself, others, work, hobbies, sex, adventure, service, receiving… Lets bring the balance to our giving and receiving, our serving and being served, loving and being loved… To complete this ritual, again write down the 4 categories (or you can choose categories of your own)… Re write your contract… What you do now, will manifest in 6 months time, when we are in Aries new moon you can look back on this list and see how much you have grown… 


This month lets the light of awareness be our guiding hand to assist us to zoom out of our current situation, to see the big picture and to take the appropriate actions by taking responsibility for our domain… Balance within, balance without, not the other way around, but both are working harmoniously, we can’t have one without the other… Masculine and feminine, yin and yang, left and right, and then that sweet spot in between where we are all beings on a journey…. We become the observer, the master of our experience and we remember that we are the spiritual being having a human experience… Contribute to the expansion of consciousness beloved brothers and sisters starting with you… I love you all so much, go out and have some fun! Hug your lover, high five a stranger, do something out of the norm and be a bloody good kid… The world needs you to shine your unique essence just as you are right now… xxxxx 


Want more? Here is a gift for you… The art of inspired living manual, its a step by step work book to bring the balance of action and lifestyle, heart, mind, soul and spirit… 


Book in for a reading/healing to free your heart, start a new lifestyle plan, receive mentoring, get assistance with your monthly cycle, clear old worn out patterns, set your self free! 


Keep in touch with our free monthly subscription…

You will receive a free mini course to assist you to utilise the energy of the sun and moon each month & align your life with natures rhythms.  You are invited to join our private sisterhood ~ The Sacred Women Tribe, we have online new and full moon circles each month.  These circles are powerful transformation portals. As we gather in sacred circle with likeminded women who are also committed to personal and spiritual growth we heal by hearing the shares of our sisters, we enter into the energy of co creation as a collective of women who are making profound change in their world…. We realise that we are not alone in our struggles (life can be so tough! We need sisters to lean into and be inspired by)... If you want to change your life, change your friends!

Click here sacredwomen to connect with our private Facebook group…

Thank you for reading, and taking the time for you!

Hope to meet you soon! 



Jade Mason


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